My boss' SWMBO lost her new $RING$ in the center console of her 2013 Caravan.
It's thought to be under the stereo and well forward of cup holders.
Initial plan was to bring it to stealership to have the dash pulled.
The GRM in me thinks it can't be too hard to get in there. Any experience getting to the area to the right of the gas pedal?
3/25/15 12:53 p.m.
there's a lot to newer dashes and consoles. take your time and take pics if it gets complicated.
3/25/15 12:54 p.m.
for reference the mode door actuator, which is buried in the dash pretty deep, only calls for 3.6 hours book time. i've seen many closer to 6 or 8. doesnt seem too terrible
3/25/15 1:06 p.m.
Console like between the seats?
Like this?

Just pull the spare tire plastic nut out and the console tilts up and off the floor.
Or do you mean like this?

I'd slip this guy under the console before major surgery
drummerfromdefleopard wrote:
I'd slip this guy under the console before major surgery
hopefully you dont pull it out with that thing or there ill be a very mad woman...
None of those precious or semi-precious metals are ferrous.
In reply to tuna55:
It's NOT the first pic but I'm not sure about the second, it's not coming up.
I know it's got a hollow space under there by the footwell that has mini cargo nets. It's apparently in front of that area.
Any gaps big enough to stick a bore camera in to have a look around?
In reply to Kenny_McCormic:
I know he can get the panels off each side. Thinking of taking a hooked coathanger and fishing.
Maybe try a hanger with a blob of silly putty especially if it's visible but remote.
Any more ideas?
This is the tool you want .

3/25/15 2:51 p.m.
you need an inspection camera.
Shotgun? That or a shop manual.
Shop Vac? You can make some nice extensions out of a cut-up hula hoop.
ross2004 wrote:
Shop Vac? You can make some nice extensions out of a cut-up hula hoop.
I've taped on heater hose to the same effect
the cynic in me would check the local pawn shop.
Lost-in-dash is a great story especially when you then take it to the dealership. If they find nothing, you just claim the tech found it and stole it (even if that actually happened you would still find the ring at the local pawn shop).
Of course you cant really suggest any of that to your boss (and I don't know the people/situation at all - but I have been watching a lot of TV recently....), so consider all of this post useless.
In reply to rcutclif:
Good news!
He was able to pull a panel off and worked his arm/hand in behind the dash and under the carpet and voila!
He got it!
Thanks for the help everyone!
Whelp. Glad to be wrong here!
Good it worked out. I know the feeling of "lost my wedding ring". It's not fun.
3/25/15 5:03 p.m.
neon4891 wrote:
Good it worked out. I know the feeling of "lost my wedding ring". It's not fun.
leave in nightstand by bed at all times, it can never get lost.
New Reader
3/25/15 5:14 p.m.
patgizz wrote:
neon4891 wrote:
Good it worked out. I know the feeling of "lost my wedding ring". It's not fun.
leave in nightstand by bed at all times, it can never get lost.
Along with your balls, at least that is where mine would be if the wife found out.
3/25/15 5:31 p.m.
Mine has not been off my finger for 29.5 years.
My finger has now grown over it, and it can't be removed without cutting the ring or the finger.
I have a Mazda6 with the generic parking brake in the center console with a rubber boot to cover the hole and keep stuff out (see where this is going)? Took my ring off to play golf, dropped it, one bounce on the console and right down the gap. Heard it plink against the metal floor pan and roll around under the console until it lodged. I couldn't believe it - didn't touch an edge, just vooosh, gone.
You get that feeling of, well, at least I know where it is, but I now realize that I'm going to spend two hours of time with basically nothing to show for it in the end.
Reminds me of the time I had a customer loose a wedding ring down the drain of a bathroom sink. Had to pull the sink base out so I could cut the wall open because the ring had gotten past the trap. Any way cabinet counter top and sink all come out as one unit. Behind the cabinet was the usual Q- tips, dental floss, and an unopened condom with a good expiration date on the package. Husband started to say something about getting fixed years ago and stopped in mid sentence and walked out of the bathroom. They were divorced a few months after that. Had a very similar experience where I was cleaning a main drain and the cable came back out with half a dozen condoms wrapped around it. Looked like a mackerel rig.