Let me preface this by saying, I love my wife, but technical she isn't. When we married, she barely knew how to put gas in a car, much less how to open the hood or know why it quit. Over the last 30 years, she's picked up a few things, but a mechanic she isn't.
On with the story.
My wife called me last night and said her Jeep had died. She was about 5 miles from the house when it happened and managed to get it into a gas station parking lot.
Her words, "The alternator on the Jeep just died, I'm calling AAA to bring it home."
This morning I asked if she was sure it was the alternator. "Yep, the lights started getting dim, then I lost dash lights and it started running bad. It's the alternator." was the answer.
"Are you sure it didn't lose the belt," I asked.
"It didn't overheat, lose power steering, or A/C, I think it's the alternator," was her response.
"OK, I'll take care of it." I didn't even pop the hood on it, I just picked up a alternator and supervised my 16yo son changing it.
Sure enough, that solved the problem. That might be the easiest car repair I've ever done. No troubleshooting, no getting my hands dirty.
Her response when I told her she was right? "Make sure you tell those car guys on Grassroots."
So here you go, you've been told.
Mad props to my wife.
Love you Dear.
(Now if I could just get her to do her own repairs, I'd be set.)
Edited because I occasionally lose my ability to spell.