The final parts came in and I was able to get our new shop truck up and running this afternoon. We found a Citroen Acadiane for sale locally last month and my boss who happens to have the same twisted taste in cars that I do bought it. It is to be our new runabout for shop errands.
One of these

Looks just like that actually. Same crazy ride height, same funky everything.
Neither of us had every driven a 2CV so it was all a bit of a surprise. It got better when I realized it was a dogleg box and we had been starting in second all afternoon. 
You cannot fathom the amount of body roll one of these is capable of in low speed parking lot maneuvers. I am sure this one was travelling at no more than 4mph.

The body roll is accompanied with a hilarious comedy soundtrack squeak noise and often included things we were not aware of being in the car suddenly appearing and flying around the cabin.
This one was imported from the UK about 5 years ago. They were never sold here and when we started looking for parts all the US Citroen suppliers said they had no idea that any were in the states. It is the most cheaply built car I have ever seen. Any panel can be permanently dented with thumb pressure. There is an honesty in that cheapness though. It is unapologetically spartan. If you think lotus had simplify and add lightness down then Citroen took it to a level probably only achievable by monks who studied that philosophy for a few centuries.
I did accidentally hit a harsh speed bump at slightly over 25. I winced and braced myself for the roof to fall on me but the damn thing soaked up that bump like a Rolls. 
Can't wait to deliver something tomorrow
1/8/14 12:55 a.m.
Cool. That's unique enough that you ought to consider hauling it up to the Northwest Microcar show this summer at the LeMay museum. It's pretty big for a microcar, but certainly one of the smallest delivery vehicles one would consider (similar to the Goggomobil van, perhaps).
holy crap that's awesome!
I remember reading somewhere the design intent of the 2CV suspension was to be able to drive flat out through a field, with a basket of eggs in the passenger seat, and not break any.
But that's flat-out in a Citroen so it's all relative.
I have long wanted a 2CV. Body roll FTW.
180° of body roll. Impressive.
That is a cool truck, I like it. A co-worker had a 2CV, man what a slow car. It was quite entertaining to drive though. The shifting is a bit odd, but okay once you get used to it. I did laugh when I realized my riding mower had a larger displacement engine than his car, 647cc mower vs 602 cc car.
The mower was quicker off the line too.
They are fun for five minutes, but as someone unfortunate enough to have been lowered to owning one of these contraptions at one point in my life I can tell you, after that five minuets is up, they are just painful to drive. Fine if you have other cars and only drive it up for ice cream, or to the shops for fun, but to actually use it as a DD, look elsewhere.
That thing is pretty amazing honestly. I can't believe there are US Citroen suppliers to even call in the first place.
The rear axle makes me a little intrigued that you could get yourself into some very exciting lift oversteer moments. Just make sure it doesn't roll, I guess.
How early do you have to leave to make your deliveries on time now? 
1/8/14 8:37 a.m.
There is a guy local to me (about 10 mins from home, see here) that has one just like that, except in a nice beige/sand color. He drives that thing everyday in the summer. It's always fun to follow him on little roads, woundering if he'll roll over.
If I may ask, how much did your boss pay for it. There are a lot of 2CV around here, but people ask more for them, then a comparable condition DS?
i have a 27 horse briggs v twin if you need more power.....
neat old truck. id rock it. AFTER adding sway bars, of course.
fanfoy wrote:
If I may ask, how much did your boss pay for it. There are a lot of 2CV around here, but people ask more for them, then a comparable condition DS?
I think he handed over 3500 for it.
1/8/14 9:02 a.m.
Wow, I was thinking it would be a lot more than that.
There was one in town a couple years ago in great condition (well great for a 2CV) and the owner wanted $9000 for it.
1/8/14 9:04 a.m.
Here is a cheap one on ebay:
Good thing it is across the country from me.
IIRC, the engine is like 6" thick. Should leave room under the hood as well as in the back.
Ahh, but it is taken up with transmission and exhaust and stuff. I'd reroute the exhaust and cables, add a heat shield, and add a nice parcel shelf behind the motor. Wait, why does the exhaust run into the firewall? ARE THEY THE HEATER TOO???
Love the plate on the one on ebay OK2LAFF
Nashco wrote:
Cool. That's unique enough that you ought to consider hauling it up to the Northwest Microcar show this summer at the LeMay museum.
When is it this year? I can't seem to find the info at LeMays website
I hope you aren't delivering perishable items.