I'm on the hunt for my next daily driver, and I need your help. Here are my requirements:
$7500 max
25 mpg min
12 years old max
autocross fun and competitive
easy to find (and service) in today's market
practical-includes insurance, carrying room, reliability
Comfortable for a 45-minute-long commute every day.
Oh, a few other things:
I don't care what wheels are driven or how it makes power.
It would be preferable if it was something we haven't written a ton about. I'm ready for something different.
Have E46 ZHPs dropped down that low yet?
For the right car, I'll slightly violate any one of my requirements. I could stretch the budget or lower the mileage a bit if it means a much better car.
4/4/14 1:53 p.m.
If not for your 12 year requirement I would say 4 Door Integra GSR. Maybe Sentra SER spec v, or last generation Celica GTS, are those competitive in any autocross class?
4/4/14 1:56 p.m.
BOOM, done:
Your are welcome!
NMNA, but great cars, an updated E36 M3, if I can say that.
Broken Record Warning:
Violate the 12yr requirement and buy a '99 M3. It ticks all the other boxes.
4/4/14 2:02 p.m.
Yeah, e36 M3. It might violate the 12 year and the $7500, but it is oh so worth it.
Here's what I came up with, to give you an idea:
Focus SVT
Volvo Wagon
Acura RSX
Dodge SRT-4
Oh, and (naturally) NC Miata. Are these that cheap yet?
Mazda 3
Has the Suzuki SX4 dropped into that price range yet? You did say different, fuel efficient and able to carry stuff... 
I was thinking that has 3 series written all over it.
Tom Suddard wrote:
Oh, and (naturally) NC Miata. Are these that cheap yet?
I've seen them that cheap, especially if you're willing to do some light reconditioning, which you'd want to do if you were to autox one of these things anyways.
I like the Celica GT-S idea.
ACTUALLY, because i don't have the balls to do it... The Celica GT-S is in STC class SOLO.
1st gen Corolla XRS is in STF. I believe it's a huge overdog. Prove it.
4/4/14 2:25 p.m.
Tom Suddard wrote:
Here's what I came up with, to give you an idea:
Focus SVT
Volvo Wagon
Acura RSX
Dodge SRT-4
WRX, RSX, and SRT4 are all going to be pretty high on insurance. They all have a pretty bad rep for aggressive young drivers, which in my experience, are the worse cars to insure.
It is no wonder we always write so much about Miatas and BMWs. This started with wanting to do a Focus SVT project next for Tom. I suggested we do a little research before we just dive in. I set the parameters and what do you know... when looking for a Focus, BMW crops right up and then Miata.
4/4/14 2:42 p.m.
Tom Suddard wrote:
Here's what I came up with, to give you an idea: My responses
Focus SVT-Not competetive in GS, STC, or DSP
Volvo Wagon-S70R would be the only one that might be fun considering your 12yr rule
WRX-Boy racerish + insurance costs + check to make sure all your cylinders work, but it could be decent in STU(iirc)
Acura RSX-A shamble of what the ITR accomplished, IDK what class it is good at
Dodge SRT-4-Do you like changing transmissions? Decent in GS(but not as good as my IRL)
SN195-Last one was built in 1998...."new edge" ended in '04, you'd be better off going with an '05+ GT and play in FS
Edit: berkeley the formatting problems on here.
I personally like the SVT Focus idea. The neon thing and the Integra thing ahve been done to death. Personally, I also kind of like 2002-2005 SI Civic as well.
Also, wild card....get a 4.3 V6 S-10, drop it, and autocross it. Comfortable, reliable, cheap parts, different to auto-x. We had a reader in Hawaii a few years ago with an S-10 he auto-xed out there.
High Mileage 7th gen Celcia perhaps? We had one locally that sold for $3500 that was fairly clean with like 145K on the clock.
12 years? Easy...
A 10-12 year old Mustang GT.
Every kid needs some V8 Hoon time.
There is a STUPENDOUS aftermarket, so it can go any direction you want to.
You guys havent really done much with Mustangs in awhile. (outside of covering someones challenge car)
You can probably find one that has some questionable mods done to it and have an article series about such things (although, remember the lemons car!)
LS1 camaros also fall into this catagory.
Yeah, fuel economy is spotty on this, but you only live once!
(V8 mustang 23mpg, V8 camaro 26mpg)
(oh yeah... insurance... LOL you might end up surprised)
4/4/14 2:58 p.m.
I would love a project SVT Focus, Celica GTS,Integra GSR or even a Sentra SER. I don't think any of those get the attention they deserve anymore. I don't even know if the new SERs are worth a damn, but I want to.