Swapped out the open diff in my '94 Miata for a torsen a couple months back. The open diff is still sitting in a corner of my apartment. I posted it on CL, but the only nibble was a scammer.
So, what do I do with an open diff that I have no use for, and that no one else seems interested in?
Mail it to me free of freight!
Ultimate Lawn Darts!
Drop it off highest building in town on to evil arch enemies roof!
Install it in rear of Aspire R/T!
I have more.
Weld it, sell it to a drifter.
7/3/08 4:05 p.m.
Lincoln Locker! We have a car here fitted with one.
Do you have a ring and pinion on it? If so, sell it. Otherwise, a catapult is necessary.
Lincoln Locker? (edit: googled it; welded diff; got it)
Yes, I have the ring and pinion. I have the whole thing, mounts and all, still assembled. I'd like to sell it. Everything is in good shape. Just don't ever see anybody cruising for an open diff. What's would be the going rate? I want to say $200 would be fair.
Unfortunately, there aren't enough drifters using Miatas. Those I've met already have real locking diffs.
Personally I think $200 for open diff is way high. Would you pay $200 for an open diff for your Miata?
I know for E30's good condition LSDs go for between $150-300.
Open and worn out LSDs are basically given away.
Yeah - $200 for an open is real high. If you can get someone to take it out of your life for $100 you should be thrilled.
I sold one of mine without the bearings without the r&p for 150$ shipped!
I have the internals from an R200 diff minus ring gear sitting in my garage...
I figured just keep it, always good to have random parts sitting around.
After all some day I could use if for....uh...
7/3/08 6:37 p.m.
So what you really have is a good 4.1 r&p. That's how I'd advertise it. Someone with a 4.3 rear might want one, although 4.1 is the most common ratio.
boat anchor? After you drain and clean out the gearoil of course
make some form of furniture from it...desk lamp?
weld it and reinstal it to be a drifter
DILYSI Dave wrote:
Weld it, sell it to a drifter.
You took the words right outta my mouth.
so, what is it like to drive with a welded diff? I know a guy with an E30 that welded the diff after he installed a turbo M50 from an E36.. it was crazy watching him pull away even at a sane speed as both rear wheels tried so hard to make the tight turn the front's were dictating
My dad is teaching junior high science. I've offered to give it to him if he'd like to use it for some sort of demo piece talking about simple machines and gears and stuff.
Tie a rope to it. It makes a great anchor.
Try to sell it on SCCA forums...there's got to be a rule somewhere that requires them.
hondaworkshop wrote:
Try to sell it on SCCA forums...there's got to be a rule somewhere that requires them.
Oh yeah! STS2 guys can't run Torsens.
It just occurred to me that there's an old sea shanty ("What do you do with a drunken sailor?") that is instructive here.
What do you do with an open differential?
What do you do with an open differential?
What do you do with an open differential?
Early in the morning.
Weld it up and sell it to a drifter.
Weld it up and sell it to a drifter.
Weld it up and sell it to a drifter.
Early in the morning.
Tie it to a rope and make an anchor.
Tie it to a rope and make an anchor.
Tie it to a rope and make an anchor.
Early in the morning.
Give it to an STS2 Miata.
Give it to an STS2 Miata.
Give it to an STS2 Miata.
Early in the morning.
You get the gist. Everyone feel free to add a verse.
Edit: the board keeps taking out my line breaks.