I'll be possibly going through this very shortly... My Mazda2 was recently wrecked, waiting to find out if frame damage totals it... if it does I'll be looking for something for my 85mi round trip commute(along with an NA/NB Miata for track stuff!
) If it's not totaled... will still buy a Miata and return the 2 to near-stock for comfort... as opposed to 550/450lb coilovers it has now. I owe more than it's worth so gap insurance will come through.
Back on topic...
For MY commute it is all highway... if there is almost zero traffic(such as government holidays or when all the planets align), it takes roughly 45min to get to work or 50min to get home.
Most of the time it takes ~50-55min to get to work, and 60-70min to get home due to traffic.
During the summer it's absolutely stupid. Nobody knows how to drive through the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel... so massive backups are very common. Commuting TO work is normally not affected, but getting home takes 80-100min many days.
The Mazda2 is great, I can get 35-37mph consistently, it has very good visibility, is fun/engaging to drive, and has dirt cheap consumables, on top of being dead nuts reliable. A bit plain, but if I keep it I'll buy an arm rest and tint the windows and be happy. It's like a new 90s hatchback, almost bare bones.
BUT... I can bypass about 60% of the traffic I encounter both ways IF I buy a hybrid. In VA on 264/64 you can get special tags for $25 through the DMV and you can use the HOV lane at all times even alone if you have a hybrid with the "clean emissions" tag or whatever.
For outright reliability and frugality... It would have to be a regular Prius. Doesn't matter what year or kind, you can get what you want for your budget. My problem with them is they are so insanely numb and appliance-like. I'm not so sure how long I could drive one every day and not fall asleep at the wheel of boredom.
Honda Insights I like the interior 100x better. It's much nicer IMO, the seats feel better, and the dash is set up without a giant blank space in front of you. My problem with them is they're pretty much hideous. I could probably get over it but I really need to reserve judgement until I drive one, it's been a while since I've worked on one(I'm a technician BTW).
Honda Civic Hybrids I think are my favorite hybrid in my price range... the 2012+ ones specifically. Looks like a normal car, useful, reliable, and not Prius-level numb.
CR-Zs are pretty cool(and available in a manual!) but 2 doors and 2 seaters are a non-starter. This is a requirement since it'll be a daily/family vehicle.
If I had 20k or so to spend... a Toyota Avalon Hybrid all the way. Super comfortable, grown up, not a futuristic toaster appliance hypermiler thing. But it's not an option for me... they are insanely nice though for anyone looking.
I don't trust VW quality so the Jetta Hybrid is a no-go.
The other option I have... since I'll (potentially) be without a car payment again... is to buy a cheap sub-$2000 beater with cash that gets at least 30mpg highway, and sit miserable in traffic, but with more money in my pocket. I've been sitting in traffic like this for the last 40k miles I've put on my car... so it won't be a lot different... but MAN would it be nice to take the HOV lanes every day!
My cheap beater potential candidates are some of the normal suspects: Civics, Accords, Proteges, maybe a Ford Focus, etc
A someone in-between compromise is to finance something that is super cheap... I can find a few 08-09 Mazda3s in the 6-8k range. So would save a noticeable amount of money per month, and still have a simple reliable car to drive. I owned a 2009 Mazda3 i-touring 5spd several years ago(was not commuting like this then), and it was probably the most comfortable car I've ever had for long trips... I drove 10hrs from OH to VA and then back 2 days later with zero back problems/pains.
Lots of potential options... will probably make my own thread if/when the time comes. If it's not totaled out I'll just drive my little 2 into the ground.