Ian F
11/29/10 7:44 a.m.
I enjoyed this episode more than the first. The skier-Evo race was fun. Although I was surprised by the winner... which seem to go against the Top Gear UK 'tradition'.
I did notice a few lines where it seems the writers are trying to take chances... the reference about Mitisubishi building the Zero for Kamakazis might raise a few eyebrowes.
11/29/10 7:45 a.m.
cxhb wrote:
I enjoyed it. It's much better than the first episode. It'll never be as good as TGUK but I enjoyed it and will continue to watch.
As someone who really doesn't see much redeeming value in TGUK, I'm hoping that the US version ends up being ok. Maybe after they figure out how to act on camera and how to read their lines better the show will improve, but I want other than supercars. I haven't watched the 2nd episode yet, but my Tivo has, so I'll get to it this week sometime, but the first episode not only did I have to suffer through wooden dialouge, but also three Lambos and a couple Vipers. I lost interest in cars like that somewhere back in the late 80's when I realized that unless I win the lottery there is no reason to care about cars like that. Seriously, if I had the cash to buy a new Lambo, would I really need these three buffoons to tell me which one is the fastest with their rehearsed child-like taunts? Give me a break. Yes, I'll keep watching - it is better than other car shows (mostly in that it is not a barely disguised infomercial or NASCAR).
am awaiting History to put the episode on their website as i was relegated to watch football because of my girlfriend's dad.
Ian F wrote:
I enjoyed this episode more than the first. The skier-Evo race was fun. Although I was surprised by the winner... which seem to go against the Top Gear UK 'tradition'.
I missed that section, but I have a sneaking suspicion that it is alot like something that was already done.....am I wrong?
this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaUaDe_WHac
littleturquoiseb wrote:
Have more balls, screw the advertizers, say what you think, get hosts that have enough experence to know why 'supercar A' sucks worse then 'supercar B'.
don't hold your breath. The thing that struck me the most about the drift segment is HOW MANY TIMES the "370z" logo on the back of the cars were shown. It was in the dozens. They always showed the left rear of the car where it says 370z, not the right rear that doesn't....
just sayin....it struck me as a very corporate way of filming things......
WOW! I'm going to post before I read everyone else's posts.
Episode 2 was fabulous.
Rutledge was worse with his voice overs. They seemed more stilted and scripted with little enthusiasm but the cinematography on the Aston portion was stunning.
But the EVO segment and the Blind drifter portions were fabulous. The dog stole the show!
Adam is still useless. He's not a good counterpoint to the car guys, he's simply filling space with nothing to add.
Ok so far, I'll give it some more time.
Def no TGUK today, but it was also new at one time & sucked.
11/29/10 7:13 p.m.
Just saw it, and I liked it.
- I didn't think the camera work was bad
- The first challenge was similar to many UK bits (audi vs. climbers/base jumpers, toboggan vs. rally car, etc.), but not a direct mirror of any of them.
- The "drift" competition didn't do a lot of drifting, but it didn't matter....I was very entertained. More importantly, it was BETTER (i.e. more entertaining) than Billy Baxter's blind power lap on TG UK
The camera action and the skits aren't rip offs, they are TG! That's what the show is called and what it's supposed to be. There is nothing wrong with utilizing good or at least recognizable TGUK skits to set the pace for this being a real TG clone. The individuality will come later after the show is fully accepted and the hosts (preferably at least one new one) have a chemistry.
As far as dissing the brands, what about Rutledge's comment about the EVO falling out of the ugly tree and hitting every branch.
That segment made me want to go drive an EVO. Nothing has ever made me want to do that.
I laughed out loud and my wife totally stopped decorating the Christmas tree when the blind guy walked out from behind the barrier. We were enthralled the whole time. We didn't notice any issues with filming or even wooden hosts until we watched it the second time. The whole concept got us. And just when you thought you were going to hear a couple of lame one liners from the blind guy his dog goes and caps off the show.
This was much better than I was expecting, except for the Aston bit and I'm thinking that might have been filmed earlier.
New Reader
11/29/10 7:26 p.m.
todd900ss wrote:
Ok so far, I'll give it some more time.
Def no TGUK today, but it was also new at one time & sucked.
Top Gear definitely got more polished over time, but it has always been awesome.
I just saw it, and was sorely disappointed in the lack of big head jokes. Otherwise, big improvement, will watch again.
11/29/10 7:49 p.m.
I'll admit the fat man's "Southern Speak" moments are pretty funny. Adam was not as good, Tanner was better. The EVO bit was awesome!
Episode 1: C-
Episode 2: B
They are getting better in a short amount of time, the only real issues i have with it so far...
The camera work/segment splitting is not fluid at all.
The fact that every american T.V. show has to review what they did just 2-5 min ago.
I know they are trying to explain everything to the ones that don't understand cars or the culture but the people that are watching probably have a good idea what is going on.
These are issues that will get adjusted with time so i am going to keep watching.
Now if they go 3-4 seasons and are still making the same mistakes than there will be an issue.
Just watched it on the History Channels page. Wife heard the voices and refused to watch. It's better than pretty much anything else about cars on US TV so it will get a chance.
todd900ss wrote:
Ok so far, I'll give it some more time.
Def no TGUK today, but it was also new at one time & sucked.
a better comparison would be to show a clip from the first episode of the "modern" TGUK- maybe a clip of the big guy that was replaced by James May in season 2 rambling on about buying used cars..
irish44j wrote:
littleturquoiseb wrote:
Have more balls, screw the advertizers, say what you think, get hosts that have enough experence to know why 'supercar A' sucks worse then 'supercar B'.
don't hold your breath. The thing that struck me the most about the drift segment is HOW MANY TIMES the "370z" logo on the back of the cars were shown. It was in the dozens. They always showed the left rear of the car where it says 370z, not the right rear that doesn't....
just sayin....it struck me as a very corporate way of filming things......
I don't quite think they're stinkin' shills... it wasn't as though "370z" was every other word out their mouths. If that's the extent of the corporate shilling, I'll be fine with it. Seen another auto-related show lately? Sickening.
I thought it was better, though Rutledge better get a sense of humor. They need to start calling them the "fat guy" or "brawny paper towel guy", "the guido", and "Tokyo Drift". There needs to be more interactive E36 M3ting on each other. I dig that style, and it might feel like I was hanging out with my friends when I watch (like I feel with TGUK). I'm beginning to like Tanner better. Hoping the others learn to drive (send them to drivers schools, guys!).
Also, the stunts are all borrowed, and largely were lame on the TGUK show (yes, lame), and are the same on TGUS. I would rather have seen a race between the STI and the EVO down that mountain on the snow. Or between the EVO and an '00 2.5 RS. How much better is the EVO?
11/29/10 8:29 p.m.
I just left a message here on the TopGear US forum saying they should build a car for the GRM challenge or Lemons. 
I don't know if they're paying attention to the suggestions, but I know that would be a very entertaining episode. (If you agree, you may want to express a similar opinion)
dj wrote:
todd900ss wrote:
Ok so far, I'll give it some more time.
Def no TGUK today, but it was also new at one time & sucked.
Top Gear definitely got more polished over time, but it has always been awesome.
Awesome video-
-WTF with shutting the door using the window 100 times in the video? People have been shot for doing it in a Subaru.... what do you get for doing that in a Ferrari?
-WTF is JC wearing? The hair, the jacket, the gratuitous package shot? The high tops? Tina Turner on the radio... 1991 was obviously a good year.
turbojunker wrote:
todd900ss wrote:
Ok so far, I'll give it some more time.
Def no TGUK today, but it was also new at one time & sucked.
That. Was. Awesome.
I had that hair and those shoes, but I thought I had them in the 70's when they were cool, not in the 90's! My shoes were white patent leather tho.
todd900ss wrote:
Ok so far, I'll give it some more time.
Def no TGUK today, but it was also new at one time & sucked.
wtf....that doesn't suck at all. Yeah, his hair and clothes suck. And the intro is a bit lame and drawn-out. But the actual segment is awesome and even back then the lines were witty funny, not lame sitcom jokes.
"it's not heavy, it's my clutch" 
and by they way, even back in 1991 the in-car camera is virtually vibration-free.....
carguy123 wrote:
turbojunker wrote:
todd900ss wrote:
Ok so far, I'll give it some more time.
Def no TGUK today, but it was also new at one time & sucked.
That. Was. Awesome.
I had that hair and those shoes, but I thought I had them in the 70's when they were cool, not in the 90's! My shoes were white patent leather tho.
This. In '91 that was my freshman year in HS. Pretty sure I was rocking black jeans, flannel shirts, steel-toe Doc Martens, and a wallet chain. The beginning of the grunge era and TG is rocking Tina Turner, lol....
TGUK has had years to get so slick and polished, give the guys a little time to develop their own character and style, if they gell it will be unique and awesome if not, change the presenting team about, I vote for JG
11/29/10 9:00 p.m.
Their senses of humor still seems to be lacking sophistication. They should hire some good comedy writers or stop trying to be witty.
How many times did they need to say the dude was blind. I got it "he is blind".
They are rubbing me the wrong way and I have low standards.
Its getting better. They need to replace Adam Ferrara with Adam Carrola and make him the lead presenter and I think Foust and Wood will follow along with his lead. Or Foust can stay but replace Wood with a car chick.