Trying to talk SWMBO in this for a HS graduation present for our oldest. what say you about this. Reading IrishJ's thread on his E21 just made my carlust that much stronger for this beastly pile of rusty junk
I replied to your post in my thread with some thoughts/updates.
These pics scare me though. Aside from the rust you can see (and It looks like the driver's floorboard is totally rusted out), you need to assume that the rear shock towers are rusted out (my biggest issue on mine, which is not easy to repair) and that the rear window sills are swiss cheese (mine were, even though my car has very little rust in other placs). So if you and your son are good at rust repair and enjoy doing it, then this could be a fun project. If you're like me (mediocre at rust repair and welding), then it will be a nightmare.
It is nice in that it has a 5-speed. If you decide to give up on the car, the M10+5MT could recoup half or more of your initial cost anyhow. I would offer scrap value for the car and see if the seller bites. Else, look around a bit more. I see $1000 e21s every now and then that are in drivable condition with little rust. The nice thing about the e21 is that since it's the redheaded stepchild of the 3-series line, they're not overinflated in value like the 2002 and the e30s are starting to get.
Anyhow, interested to see how this turns out.
also, could of sworn that one of the e21 guys here had recently posted about buying something different and selling his e21. I don't recall who it was or where he was located, but might be worth looking into.
Too far gone to be a respectable and reliable driver within 6 months.
In my way of thinking, it is rare that a 17 yr old wants a car more than 17 years old. A car that old is from before "the beginning of time", at least his time. This will keep you to cars no older than 1996-ish.
Not sure what the budget is but $500 for this one is only the beginning of what you will spend. For less than $2.5k you can likely have a real, running car that sill has some "swagger."
If you do go real old, these may be better, similar:
E21s rust really badly and this one looks like all you need to move it around will be a couple of zip lock bags in a few months.
I'd avoid it.
In reply to ryanty22:
Run, and don't look back . . . RUN!!
It would be an ok idea if there was no rust and the interior was put together...
Way too far gone. I had an 81 that I scrapped and it showed better in pics than that one. Rust spreads quickly in these and it looks like the floorpan has given way in the first pic. The interior is missing pieces that are expensive or really hard to find. Likely the fuel system is shot. I bet the trunk is swiss cheese.
DILYSI Dave wrote:
Do you hate your child?
Q: "What did you get for graduation?"
A: "Scrap value"
Not worth that amount in scrap.
Drive a little, save a lot (of aggravation)

$900 or make offer
If my family's experience holds true, any car given to a new driver will be wrecked within the first 6-12 months of ownership. Personally, I wouldn't invest much time or money into a project only to see it smashed, so I'd start with a reliable $2,000 car with good tires, ABS and A/C instead of something older & cooler that needs serious work.