Some people win the lottery or strike oil, but fate has given me a sad old 88 Cougar (really similar to photo below). It's not even an XR-7, it's the faux wire wheel bespoked uber-grandma version. The only positives are that it's a 5.0 v8, it runs good, its kind clean, and the a/c works.
So, besides crushing it, what should be done with it and it's hideous roofline?

I'm thinking T5 swap, Explorer 8.8 disc brake rear end with a locker, and a blower. Leave everything else as it is.
12/28/11 8:23 p.m.
No difference between it in the XR-7 besides a standard floor shift and console (easily swapped in). You know it's basically a fox-body Mustang underneath, right?
I say SN95 Mustang suspension/rearend/brakes swap, HO conversion, T-5 swap, gut it, paint it Red/Gold and make a Gurney T/A clone out of it. That was my plan with my old 87 Cougar 5.0 anyways, and it was already red...
What Javelin said. It is just a big Fox body Mustank, much like the whole family of Fairmonts, Mark VII's, LTD2's, 80-81 Tbirds, etc.....
12/28/11 8:28 p.m.
Javelin wrote:
No difference between it in the XR-7 besides a standard floor shift and console (easily swapped in). You know it's basically a fox-body Mustang underneath, right?
I say SN95 Mustang suspension/rearend/brakes swap, HO conversion, T-5 swap, gut it, paint it Red/Gold and make a Gurney T/A clone out of it. That was my plan with my old 87 Cougar 5.0 anyways, and it was already red...
This. Fox body legos FTW!
Add a turbo-coupe front end and hood, some Cobra wheels, and black out the windows. That would be really unique and confusing. Then a supercharger.
I could use an alternative daily driver to my 10mpg V-10 Excursion, just to run around town in, but holy hell that roofline is FUGLY!!!!
I don't know that I could get my head around this Cougar thing.
I think its just the quarter windows that make it terrible... so rallycross it.
Well, as far as rallycross, I just won the SCCA Florida region s/r rallycross championship in my '86 300zx, so I'm thinking I'll stick with the Z for 2012. I just can see the Cougar being as flickable as the little Z car.
12/28/11 8:47 p.m.
Remember that it's got the non-HO V8 and makes 150 hp.
Well, how about challenge car like noddaz said?
I'd suggest this:
Stroh's Trans Am
12/28/11 9:03 p.m.
I always thought they were oddly attractive and could be pimped out to some degree.
I'd LOVE to do Lemons or Chumpcar, but as you all know, you can't do it alone, and the kind of friends I have say "Yea, sure, let's do it!", but when it comes down to actually making it happen, it doesn't happen.
You guys don't think it's a bit too portly for a challenge car? Seems like there's a lot of fat-marbled meat in this heffer
I have the continental tire off some old 70's Caddy(it was an actual tire the cut, BTW). Throw that on the back & confuse people???
kill it with fire.
sell the remains for scrap.
alternately, give it to charity. There are plenty of people out there that could probably use a really lame car that runs fine.....
take your car
meet up with DukeofUndersteer
figure it out
irish44j wrote:
take your car
meet up with DukeofUndersteer
figure it out
Ha!! Sounds like we'd end up with the automotive equivalent of Tom Green.
don't you mean Red Green?