4/22/23 6:16 p.m.
An acquaintance has a daughter heading off to Indiana, to be an assistant coach for the women's basketball team at Bloomington. She currently has a LexusSUV(330zx?) hi mileage. Dad is wanting to get her a new sled. So dad ask's me what do you suggest? My response was not what he was wanting to hear (subaru). He has now decided to ask her what she wants......we sit and wait.....and yes he has price points in all this.
An old Saturn Vue, you know, the ones with the flexible plastic body panels. That way, if this assistant coach throws a chair at the car...it will not dent.
CX-50. They drive really nice and are fun to drive. But the right answer is Rav4 like everyone else.
4/22/23 7:00 p.m.
In reply to bmw88rider :
I like your choice ...he know's nothing so what this all boils down to is what she wants with a pinch of his acceptance.....
4/22/23 7:06 p.m.
I mean a late model lexus SUV tends to run forever so let that take a few years of rust then upgrade. Assistant coaches tend to move around fairly frequently.