LuxInterior wrote:
Cell phones could zap the user with a 50k volt shock when they detect that the user is driving. Seems like a modest proposal that could change driving habits and save lives.
Fine copper mesh installed in all new cars. Rolling Faraday cage. No signal, no phone use.
Appleseed wrote:
LuxInterior wrote:
Cell phones could zap the user with a 50k volt shock when they detect that the user is driving. Seems like a modest proposal that could change driving habits and save lives.
Fine copper mesh installed in all new cars. Rolling Faraday cage. No signal, no phone use.
Unconstitutional on both counts. Thanks activist SC! 
In reply to Appleseed:
I think the compromise is this: if a phone picks up movement over 5mph, it would only work in Bluetooth mode.
Should let most of the runners of the hook, and cut back on traffic accidents of all that works is music streaming and voice calls while it's moving.
Problem for passengers? Maybe, but much better for drivers and pedeadstrians.
Of the dozen or so books I'm reading through 'Hidden danger in the classroom...disclosure based on the ideas of W.R. Coulson' claims that teaching kids relativism is leading to more individual centered ethics and rejection of anything remotely authoritarian like you know traffic laws and fuddy duddy unwritten rules of the road. And this has been going on for a long time so it's certainly not just the kids. 
In reply to RevRico:
Some of those "pedeadstrians" have as much of a death wish as some of the drivers.
First Amendment pretty much makes it a no-go especially for government but a car manufacturer could make it parents or self actuated perhaps. 
I'm reasonably sure crossing the centerline and taking me out is violating my constitutional rights, but when that time comes, I won't give a damn, I'll be dead.
7/8/17 2:45 p.m.
Sometimes it's just a case of zero driving skills...
Had one this morning, young woman in a dark blue 8th gen Civic completely in my lane coming over a blind rise. Blew the horn and was about to put my Jeep into the corn field before she cut it back at the last second. Unfortunately, did not get the plate number, but I called her in to the state police regardless and gave them what information I had. If I see her again this week, she best believe I'm following her and getting that licence plate.
These berkeleying people ought to be prosecuted with the same level of prejudice levied against drunk drivers. They're just as dangerous, and the statistics are bearing that out. Even as DUI rates are on the decline, and safety standards are higher than ever, we're still seeing an increase in traffic fatalities. There should be license suspensions at a minimum for these shiny happy people.
nutherjrfan wrote:
Of the dozen or so books I'm reading through 'Hidden danger in the classroom...disclosure based on the ideas of W.R. Coulson' claims that teaching kids relativism is leading to more individual centered ethics and rejection of anything remotely authoritarian like you know traffic laws and fuddy duddy unwritten rules of the road. And this has been going on for a long time so it's certainly not just the kids.
I will have to check that book out. My daughter tried to cross the double yellow into oncoming traffic to pass a slower car that had some issues accelerating. I thought she just screwed up thinking we were still in a passing zone. But then she began to express how she should be able to do whatever works. And that she shouldn't be forced follow the rules all the time because you can't succeed if you follow the rules all the time. I was stunned to silence as I tried to grasp this weird concept my daughter BELIEVED in. As I talked to her more the origin seemed to be her Grandpa and high school.
Yesterday while I was driving my Corvair to work some dingus in an F-bigberkeleyingtruck crossed the center line while approaching me. The Corvair's horn is broken, so I veered to the right shoulder and began scouring for safe runoff places. The Corvair, never a particularly safe car on its own right, would crumple like tinfoil in a small frontal offset impact collision. Luckily the F-bigstupidtruck veered back in his lane before we crossed paths.
What started out as a nice day that I'd decided to enjoy my old convertible turned into me being slightly terrified of every oncoming vehicle, and looking for runoff spaces. It kindof ruined my drive for awhile.
Then I came upon a cyclist riding on the shoulder, and realized there are far riskier things than driving an old car.
7/11/17 11:10 a.m.
Phones. Phones. Phones. This happened to me back in 2007 on my bike right when texting was just starting to become a "normal" thing in cars. Scared the crap out of me but happened so rarely at the time...
I sold my motorcycle last week. I'm thinking about buying an 86 to replace my miata just for better crash protection. It's getting SO bad.
I see this all the time. It's troubling. The usual excuses for why include (but are not limited to):
-Distraction because of cell phones
-Lighting a cigarette, joint, cigar, etc.
-Under the influence of something (alcohol, heroin, etc)
-Doing it on purpose "for fun"
-Because they can't drive well
Just yesterday, I saw some doofus in a Nissan Frontier cross the line coming out of a rotary in a particularly dangerous spot. Someone had to pull over on the other side to get out of the way.
I have a rule: if they do it 3 times, I call the cops. I've called in a number of people and I don't feel bad about it one bit. The worst was some lady on Easter that was beyond drunk and she was all over the road. They got her as she was pulling into a neighborhood that was having an Easter Egg hunt.
I got a congratulatory call the next morning from a detective, saying that the lady set a new town record for highest blood alcohol level recorded in the town police department's history.
About honking... I do that too sometimes out of rage, but you have to be VERY careful these days. People are INSANE and you cannot anticipate what they are going to do. I've had people lose their E36 M3 and throw stuff at me, swerve at me, lock up the brakes, attempt to run me off the road, etc. for that. I even had a guy get out of his truck at a stop light and get in my face threatening my life while I was driving a parts delivery truck because I honked at him for cutting me off and almost hitting me when had the right of way. Sometimes, it's just not worth it.
7/11/17 1:06 p.m.
Maybe this is just a local thing, but what's with all the idiot shiny happy person going from the yield/merge lane into the middle or far left lane and stopping before going on their way?
If I had a bigger vehicle, I'd just plow into them, but unfortunately that would only serve to increase my insurance rates because I'd be at fault for rear ending them, Nevermind that they jumped into the speedy lanes of the highway and stopped.
It's not even one particular place that it happens, it seems everywhere there's a merging point there's at least one idiot jumping out and trying to get run over. I've even seen it happen in front of cops, the cops swerve around them, usually without looking, and just keep going.
In reply to Tony Sestito:
The only guy to ever do that to me at a stoplight for a similar reason ended up with one of my Bowie knives at the tip of his left nostril. He ran back to his car when I started to unbuckle my seatbelt. I am not a good target for someone's road rage...
Seems my biggest problem has been cars at intersection pulling onto the highway in front of me causing me to slow severely.
Happened twice this morning on a 12 mile drive.
Good thing I was aware and not texting.
New Reader
7/14/17 2:29 a.m.
Tony Sestito wrote:
About honking... I do that too sometimes out of rage, but you have to be VERY careful these days. People are INSANE and you cannot anticipate what they are going to do. I've had people lose their E36 M3 and throw stuff at me, swerve at me, lock up the brakes, attempt to run me off the road, etc. for that. I even had a guy get out of his truck at a stop light and get in my face threatening my life while I was driving a parts delivery truck because I honked at him for cutting me off and almost hitting me when had the right of way. Sometimes, it's just not worth it.
You have to even be careful of the people who try to block you from getting in front of them when they see your turn signal, I have had someone chase me through a downtown area at 80+ mph for several miles because I was in front of them for about 5 seconds (going from the lane to the left of them to the lane to the right of them to exit the freeway). Especially anyone who drives a newer full size truck or one of the rwd Mopar cars is only a couple seconds from a homicidal rage.
I have definitely noticed the people who can't stay on their side of the road, I'm always a little uncomfortable with 2 lane roads now, and I have already had to drive into the dirt to keep from getting hit head on by someone who just wasn't in control fol of their vehicle. Another skill that is rapidly being lost is when to use your high beams (as in not driving behind someone when there is plenty of opportunity to pass them in the other lane, sitting at a stop light facing oncoming traffic, driving through a parking lot, etc). Checking your mirrors before changing lanes seems to be rapidly becoming more uncommon too.
Can we call stop signs wish signs? Like "Boy, I wish this bastard actually stops and doesn't kill me. "