Welcome back to Wheeler Dealers, on this episode our trusty mechanic tries to get our little Celica sorted out.
A loaner battery was installed while the original one gets charged up.

Then it was time to tackle that no start issue. An OBDII scanner was hooked up to check for any codes. Nope, nothing here, time to look elsewhere for our issues.

Next up was to check the fuel pump. The rear seat was removed to get better access to the pump and see if it's making all the right noises. Which it was, and a quick check on the plugs revealed that we are indeed getting fuel. This might be more trouble than we thought.. Also the plugs were brand new Iridium affairs installed by the PO, a little oily but still in good nick.

So she appears to be getting fuel, lets move on to the ignition side of things.
With all the coil packs removed we installed the plugs and grounded them per the FSM for spark testing. We also unplugged the injectors to keep them from firing fuel into the cylinders. We had our trusty assistant SWMBO turn the key so I could check for spark. Well this gets even more interesting, good spark on all cylinders. Looking at the coil packs I am seeing some cracking on three of them, so I put some electrical tape over the cracks as a precaution till new ones can be ordered.

Out of all the tools I have, a compression tester isn't one of them, I'll stop by Harbor Freight tomorrow and pick one up on the way home. If the compression is good, it's back to the drawing board and the FSM for more suggestions. I did find a receipt for some previous work done in April of last year, replacing the cam and crankshaft sensors to the tune of $500, I also checked them with my multi-meter and they ohm'ed out within spec.
So while I can't test the compression, I did take off the valve cover to check the timing, and after rotating it by hand it looks like all the marks line up like they should.

After the work today and not getting any closer to a solution I feel a little like this chap that's drawn on the dashboard.

Join us next episode for that compression test and a more thorough testing of the fuel system.