I think my old method of finding interesting cars for sale on Craigslist has been failing miserably when translated over to the Facepage Marketplace, and I'm curious what others are searching for. For the longest time I would just set up a price range and distance and browse through the ads of Craigslist. That netted plenty of good finds, but it can't compete with FB where most things are listed for sale now. When I try that with marketplace I get one starter group, but it changes once I go and specify a make, then more things show up that weren't in my original search un-filtered by make. I really don't want to cycle down through the list clicking every different make I might be interested in, and plenty are listed wrong since they don't exist in a drop down menu. Do you have some good groups to follow? Track Midwest FS and WTB seems to have some interesting things, but I'm looking for something more mid-atlantic based and don't know what search terms to look under!
At the moment I'm thinking anything fun under $5k or something with track intentions but still street legal for under $10k.
*Oops, the title for this thread has an extra word if anyone can remove it for me!