If I understood correctly, the BMW CCA is now requiring the recertification of fire suppression systems. I don't know much about them, other than having a buddy with a race shop install an S/P/A Firesense for me a few years ago.
Whats the procedure for this?
5/26/20 9:02 a.m.
Certain shops can refill them. If you have to ship it is very expensive. The closest shop to you that does it that I've found is Stable Energies in NJ. I also need to get my SPA AFFF system refilled, so I've had to figure out the same thing.
You ask about both recertification and recharging. Recharging AFFF is dead simple -- basically you take the bottle out, rinse it, refill with concentrate foam and water, then replace the burst disc and CO2 cartridge. 20-30 minutes should do the job easily. It's simple enough you can bring the recharge kit with you and do it at the track if necessary.
Recertification I have no idea, but it probably involves paying someone at a race shop with a certificate to do the same thing, along with inspecting everything.