mad_machine wrote:
there is one last night who is at the top of my E36 M3 list. Whomever he is.. riding down a quiet residential street at 2am with no muffler and leaving it in second is bad enough.. but giving it a good rev before downshifting to 1st (and then letting it coast down to a stop) before sitting a stop sign for 20 seconds while blipping the throttle before taking off at full throttle is -not- going to make you any friends
Got one of these in my neighborhood too. Unfortunately, we live in the corner house, so we get to hear the "I can't keep in running" revs when he pulls up to the corner, the "maximum BLLLLAAAAAAATTT" take off (even though the next stop sign is all of 200 yards down the street) and the downshift/over rev, downshift/over rev, downshift/over rev return home. I think next time the exhaust is off the Miata for any reason I'll set my alarm for 3:00 a.m., get up, drive over and park it in front of his house. Then I'll proceed to rev the piss out of it, drive away for 20 minutes, come back and do it all over again. My experience is that most of these bozos are so clueless he wouldn't have any idea why someone would do such an inconsiderate thing.
9/14/13 8:17 p.m.
In reply to benzbaronDaryn:
I met a guy yesterday evening(for a shift lever) who had 89k miles on an '05 zx10.....he called my '04 "factory fresh"
Also, transmaro is correct.....the goldwing guys give the bmw guys a run for their money.
9/14/13 8:18 p.m.
To me, the most ridiculous aspect of the "biker lifestyle" and showing your independence is the fact that apparently they all have to dress alike and look alike. That'll show "the man" just how much of an individual you are. Putz.
Saw a harley funeral today... I think
Two harleys/riders followed by F-150 towing a trailer with harley on it. (The deceased?) Followed by about 10 bikes, loud, capped off by an old truck with funeral flag.
Riders looked like the real deal though, and I didn't see a hearse???
That is just it. I have no problems with the bikes themselves.. it's people that ride them like idiots. If they did not act so stereotypical, I would be fine with it, but almost every HD rider I know (and I know a few) all act the same way it has become a parody
Meh, most sport-bike squids I've met live into that monster-energy-drink-douchebag stereotype. Harley hasn't got the monopoly on the poser dipE36 M3 market.
9/14/13 9:20 p.m.
ncjay wrote:
To me, the most ridiculous aspect of the "biker lifestyle" and showing your independence is the fact that apparently they all have to dress alike and look alike. That'll show "the man" just how much of an individual you are. Putz.
That goes for anybody that is heavily reliant on in-group/out-group divisions for their personal identity, though. Hipsters, Harley guys, whatever.
9/14/13 9:23 p.m.
In reply to ShadowSix:
I don't see many sport bike riders finish off a 6 pack every 30 minutes while on a poker run either.....most of the sportbike riders around here are a lot more reserved.....then again, all the good groups run off the retard squids. I'm glad to have been welcomed graciously into their ranks for a.) Not acting like a dumbass, b.) Wearing gear, & c.) Not drinking if I am riding(even a single beer with dinner)
Ya know, I've seen it both ways. Sportbike riders may have mufflers on their bikes but they are far from quiet, I can hear them 1/2 mile away. Plus the stunts they pull in traffic leaves a lot to be desired. Wheelies at >60mph between cars on the road. Weaving in & out of traffic at more than double the speed limit. Some wear flip-flop sandals, short shorts and tank tops while doing this.
H-D riders don't have the market on a$$hatery. Now to caveat this, it does seems to be only a portion of wannabe's on both sides. Not all on 2-wheels are a$$e$.
In reply to nicksta43:
I see your vtwin cafe racer and raise you one that doesn't idle like an old tractor and isnt built on engineering that was a poor compromise since the 20s.

In reply to Kenny_McCormic:
Oh, I want that!
The first time I heard a Ducati IRL, the only thing I could think was "Damn this must be what those Harley loud pipe shiny happy people WISH their bike sounds like.
Still wouldn't trade mine for it
9/14/13 10:21 p.m.
I never thought about Harleys one way or the other... until the Vagos moved into our town 2 years ago. They're far enough away from me not to worry about them... but unfortunately, they use the cross street 5 houses away whenever they have a meet. Constant flow of the bloody things for an entire weekend - they are the sleaziest bunch of d-bags ever.
I love the "Stick it to The Man" attitude that goes with the outfit.
Based on my experience with my customers, "The Man" rides a Harley nowadays.
I'll keep my ratty, old, miled out Hondas thank-you-very-much.
In reply to nicksta43:
I want an XLCR one day.
I like the bikes, it's the douchebag lifestyle I don't like.
One of the guys I ride with has a 1970's FLH and he's a great guy, he just isn't riding to have the dirtball lifestyle, he's riding because he enjoys it.
Cruiser riders can be represented on a scale of percentage pirate. Sport bike riders can either be represented as percentage power ranger (the group that I fall into) or percentage squid.
I have a seriously bad taste in my mouth regarding the HD scene, mostly because thousands of them descend on Reno (where I grew up) every year, make it impossible to sleep and have shootouts with law enforcement. Street Vibrations is awful.
Add in the none-existant awareness and/or regard for fellow motorists and I would spend the entire week repeating to myself "I will not just run over the bikers with my car, I will not shove tennis balls/tropical fruit into unmuffled exhausts, I will not just floor it the next time a fat accountant in leather cuts me off."
That, of course, isn't all the HD owners. I know some cool ones. It's also not the bikes, although I really don't get the appeal. But my god, I hate Street Vibrations.
Mod Squad
9/15/13 1:41 a.m.
For the most part I agree with the sentiment.
I love the uncorked exhuast when the Patriot riders show up at a military funeral to drown out the "univited guests." They piont the pipes at them, ensure they are viually blockint them for the family and should they grow a bit too loud, simply crank the bikes and perhaps blip the throttle
Mod Squad
9/15/13 4:42 a.m.
Kenny_McCormic wrote:
DaewooOfDeath wrote:
I have a seriously bad taste in my mouth regarding the HD scene, mostly because thousands of them descend on Reno (where I grew up) every year, make it impossible to sleep and have shootouts with law enforcement. Street Vibrations is awful.
Add in the none-existant awareness and/or regard for fellow motorists and I would spend the entire week repeating to myself "I will not just run over the bikers with my car, I will not shove tennis balls/tropical fruit into unmuffled exhausts, I will not just floor it the next time a fat accountant in leather cuts me off."
That, of course, isn't all the HD owners. I know some cool ones. It's also not the bikes, although I really don't get the appeal. But my god, I hate Street Vibrations.
Hee hee.
Years ago at the $2K5 Challenge, the Hongers arrived with the mighty General Tso. A Dukes of Hazzard Theme's CRX DX automatic with a carb, a piece of scrap wood for a spacer and a 6 pack of Natty light glued to the hood for velocity stacks.
Part of the appeal of the CRX was the series of horns that played "Dixie" of course. The first time they hit it, everyone laughed.
The 2,347th time, not so much. and this was before noon.
Drag day, I notice the Hongers are pouring over the old Geneeral with testing lights trying to fight why the horns won't work any more, and after several hours of troubleishooting, they discover each horn had been stuffed with a single red clown nose.
I must be the only person in the world that saw HD and went what's wrong with people that drive Heavy Duty pickup trucks?
We have a 'Little Sturgis' bike rally here in the next town.... Bike riders don't bother me, 5 bikers don't bother me, even the ones with a Harley ink pen and Harley condoms drinking Harley beer... But 150 bikers riding together make me want to take my truck and go bowling for A-holes.