Yesterday was the 5ith annual March of Dimes drive for babies at Road America. My Son and I have been volunteering as driving coach's since the first one. My Sons Fiancee has been doing the same for 3 years.. BTDT had our entire team there trying to help. Yesterday was Really a Neat day, Boris Said was there to Volunteer along With Peter Cunningham. The deal was for 50 bucks they would take you on 2 hot laps. Of course the money all went to March of dimes. Peter was taking one person at a time in his Real time Rally Acura, And Boris had a porsche panamera donated for the day from Concourse Motors in Milwaukee, He could take 3 people at a time ;) By the time My Son and I had the free time from coaching the spots were all filled, darn it. 2 years Ago Peter was giving Rides in his personal 6cyl Evo, and I did get to try that, (awesome)
There was also a Gt-40 giving rides, Im not sure who was driving that.
Last night at the closing dinner, we got a little look into Mr Saids personality, he is a regular guy with a great sense of humor, always smiling ;) At one point Boris Said said that Peter C was driving like he was going to the grocery store on the track (hilarious, but certainly not true ;) )
Yesterday the event raised over 77k, best turnout since it started, My Hat is off to Tony Machi from Milwaukee area SCCA for dreaming this up 5 years ago, what a great fun way to raise money for an awesome cause!