Teehee. Bought a broken 04 Ninja 250 from a buddy of mine for $200. Motor dropped a valve and it's been down a few times. Has a nice dent in the tank and the bars (clipons?) are bent a bit. The plastics are a little beat and partially spray painted black, but some proper paintwork will make them look new again. Only 12k miles and it got new tires a few months ago.
At 6'3" and 230lbs I look a little silly on it but the price was right and it'll be fun to learn on.
Anyone have any tips or have a line on a cheap used engine?
Go buy a $200 necklace or bracelet right now.
If you think you look silly riding it - just think how you will look sleeping next to it.
learn how to curl up in a ball so you can sleep in that doghouse outside...
I doubt his wife would be THAT upset, it was only $200. Just play a little kiss-butt, and offer it up for her to learn to ride if she ever feals so inclined.
wow wish I could find a deal like that :)
bludroptop wrote:
Go buy a $200 necklace or bracelet right now.
If you think you look silly riding it - just think how you will look sleeping next to it.
Or riding it to work in the winter.
Eh, the wife won't be that mad. She's had plenty of time to prepare herself for the eventual coming of a motorcycle, we've been arguing about it for years. She works in a hospital and is convinced that even thinking about riding a motorcycle causes you to get in horrible accidents.
Also, I don't have any reason to ride it to work, much less in winter...
edit: at any rate, I'm not bringing it home till it's shiny and new looking. Another project at the house is just asking for trouble.
I have friend who's looking to sell his. I'll get details.
8/11/09 2:28 p.m.
I see you are in Dayton. If you want to meet me in Columbus sometime I can give you an engine for free. It was from a parts bike with ~12k miles. I started taking it apart to sell the head but it is mostly all there if you wanted to use it for parts.
Just up your life insurance a LOT at some point she may even come "help" you with the brake system 
she's not pissed yet.....
I now have in my garage...
My Ex500 - ridden daily
the DR400 that I have no place to ride, but was a stupid cheap buy for a stupider fix
The GS650 - Needs wiring help
The GS750 - Needs wiring help
The parts GS750 - nuff said.
Not to mention....the go-kart, snowblower, Giant Drill Press, Misc Power Tools......maybe I should bring the sled back down from the parents place 
8/11/09 5:44 p.m.
aussiesmg wrote:
CrackMonkey wrote:
Not quite.
* $200 bike
* $200 helmet
* $200 jacket
* $100 gloves
* $100 MSF BRC
* $200 engine
* $1001 gift for wife
* $250 Day at the Spa for the evenings spent getting parts for the swap instead of listening to her talk about how hard her day at work was
* $750 long weekend getaway for the weekend spent swapping the engine on the bike instead of helping your wife decide what color flowers look best on your front walkway
* $3001
fixed for you
and fixed for you and you 
damn. deal of the month right there
Learn to do endo's. chicks love endo's!