Heard a loud thwack driving yesterday morning. I did not see anything so I kept going. Last night stopped to get gas and while washing my windshield I found where something had hit my windshield just below the wiper blade and there was a crack growing vertically (about 4 inches long) not visable when you are driving the car. I know it is just a matter of time befor it grows up in to the field of view.
I am not upset about it as the windshield is original to the car and is pretty well sandblasted making driving in to the sun not fun. I have been thinking of replacing it for a year or so but now I really need to.
HOWEVER I don't have glass coverage on this car. The short of that is I have saved 3x the replacement cost of the car by not carrying full coverage on the car over 10 years. Now with the replacement cost of the whole car in the 3-4K range and it would be for a car with significantly less millage, it makes no sense to spend 1000 - 1200 a year on that kind of coverage.
SO anyone got a recommendation as to where to get a windshield in the New England area? I have replaced them my self before so I am not opposed to doing it or if there is a place that is reasonable I will gladly just pay to have it replaced. The last time I had one replaced and I paid cash it was $450. This was for my FC RX7. (back in 1997) I thaught this was a bit steep but I have no idea what they go for now days.
So any leads on a good used windshield? or possibly anyone have a recommendation as to a shop that is reasonable $$$ wise to do it?
Well I found this place that has a ware house local selling them for $170 +/- and if I pick it up unboxed at there ware house it is even less.
Anyone heard of them?
1/10/14 9:05 a.m.
I haven't heard of them but at that price it probably doesn't hurt to look if they are local. I admire their optimism that anyone can do it in 30 min and a phone call.
Prior to taking my early 924 to the track I had to get the windshield replaced. I shopped around and Apple Auto Glass (Ottawa Ontario Canada) was able to get one and install it for me for about 300 Canadian dollars. I would think it should be less than that for your car, as it is newer, 11 years younger than mine.
Not sure if you have Apple Auto Glass in New England though.
924 windshields were the same opening as in the 944 and 968. There's got to be a bunch of used ones out there, I'd think...
The cars aren't worth much... Buy a shell with good glass and retub it... lol
A buddy, who ran a glass company, offered to do one on my 924 for about $150. So $170 sounds about right.
I don't remember, did the 924S have the smooth, flush mount windshield like the 944/951? If not, you can update to one without too much hassle and a change in wiper arms.
Details can be found on the 924board.org
1/10/14 5:41 p.m.
I always found windshields for the early 944/924s were pretty affordable compared to those for the later cars and turbos with antenna in the windshield. $170 for ANY windshield sounds like a great value.