Hi All! For those of you using waste vegetable oil, how did you go about sourcing it? Just walked into a couple restaurants and ask for it? I've approached a couple small local establishments who said that within a couple days of opening, a local company was there offering to buy their WVO and leaving secure drums to collect the stuff. Wouldn't say how much they were being paid for it. Am I going about this all wrong?
Ian F
5/15/14 7:58 a.m.
The "alternative fuels" section of TDIclub.com is a better place to ask, but from what I've seen you just have to keep trying. Unfortunately, it's one of those "the secret is out" kinda deals and a lot of restuarants know their WVO has value.
5/15/14 8:04 a.m.
It's turned into a bit of an arm's race in the last few years. If you live in a city of any decent size, there are at least two companies willing to pay for WVO. It's still worth hitting up out-of-the-way Chinese restaurants, just to try.
My 6BT was equally happy on waste motor oil, so I would get a small amount from the community college automotive center and blend that in.