fast_eddie_72 wrote:
EdenPrime wrote:
Holy crap that is a chick-car if i've ever seen one. Perfect for the wife, though.
Oh man, that is no joke. I drove it around for about an hour. I still feel a little gay. There is not thing one about that car that is macho, except for maybe the supercharger (which I'm taking on faith, 'cause I'll be damned if I can see it- I looked for a hole in the hood where a supercharger should go- nothing. No scoop, no belt, nothing.) It has a great stereo too, but I think all it will play is new wave hits of the 80s and show tunes.
But the thing handles better than I first realized. Fun to drive actually. Might even say it's fabulous! Oh, and the color complements my hair.... what's left of it.
LoL. You'd get into the car with ripped jeans and a Super Chevy shirt with some grease on it, and when you got out of the car you'd have highlighted hair spiked up, a pink polo shirt, and a bleach-washed pair of designer jeans holding a gucci man-purse w/ a teacup Yorkie. 
lol- as in, that actually made me laugh out loud.
I think that car is starting to scare me. I better just stay away. If I have any more fun driving it I may have to turn in my man card. I think I better go wrench on the Celica just to put things right. I may have to tell my shrink about it. Logically I know it's silly, but I honestly feel a little funny driving it.
My son sat in it for a bit. Then he decided that he was really glad that he would be driving the MR2 to High School next year. lol
EdenPrime wrote:
Holy crap that is a chick-car if i've ever seen one. Perfect for the wife, though.
Bah, I scoff at your Merc and raise you this Nissan!

5/31/12 7:13 a.m.
IIRC the supercharger is on the bottom passenger side of the engine.
I actually don't hate that gen SLK. If i could get the AMG with a stick, i'd be out shopping right this instant.
Vigo wrote:
IIRC the supercharger is on the bottom passenger side of the engine.
The Micra Cabriolet. You might remember it from this little episode.
In reply to Curmudgeon:
You may be proven right. At this point, I'm fortunate enough to be making a good living, and last year my wife got her graduate degree and a job. So we can afford to find out. If it turns into a money pit, we'll probably cut it lose at some point. But she researched the hell out of it (she is a librarian, after all) and it seems that, for whatever reason, 2003 is the year to have. Fewer reported problems than any other year. Sounds like th 98s are an absolute nightmare. I'm wondering if some of their reputation is colored by the problems with the earlier cars.
Mmmm... nope. Sorry. The biggest grumble difference about the earlier cars was the trim stuff that peels. The top that stops in mid cycle thing happened on an '08 that we used to service right regular. That is a remakably big PITA when it happens because the car cannot be driven. There is a manual bypass but most people just had the thing towed.
That same '08 pushed fuel into the adsorption canister when filling, it seems there is a rollover valve/vent valve that sticks. This happens on the earlier cars too. When this happens, filling the car also fills the canister and two things happen: 1) it spits back at you HARD through the fill neck 2) the MIL illuminates because the canister can't pass vapor. It is expensive to replace and AFAIK there is no way to drain the stupid thing. I have heard of replacing just the valve but that does not address fuel in the canister.
In reply to Curmudgeon:
Well, we'll see how it goes. Great web site- thanks!