If the unofficial GRM model contest proves anything, it's that building smaller versions of cars can be just as much fun as building full-scale ones.
Does that same enjoyment carry over to building miniature engines—ones that actually run?
Whatever the case may be, there's…
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Incredible machining workmanship.Would love to see in person.
There's a meet for these critters every Spring just south of Detroit ( I'll try to look it up and post it later). Some of the workmanship is astounding. There are also complete cars and chassis on exhibit.
Okay, here it is: it's the North American Model Engineering Society Exposition, normally held in Wyandotte, but obviously canceled this year. My brother and I attended this and were blown away by the work these guys put in. I think all GRMers would love this show.
7/14/20 9:13 a.m.
JohnnyQ90 made an entire RC car including a V-4 engine. Not exactly the same thing since his is not a scale model of a real life engine/car, but it is cool to see his progress as he goes along.
7/14/20 10:21 a.m.
Pierre Scerri. Just in case y'all haven't heard of him...
In reply to Jay_W :
So, Ferrari used two pistons per cylinder ?? I'd love to see that in action.
7/14/20 2:42 p.m.
I've put a couple 50cc motors together. That's miniature in my book.
^ counts in my book. I rebuilt a 4 stroke Yamaha golf motor this spring, and actually learned a ton about motors in general. As an added bonus, the golf cart runs awesome and is way more useful than I would have guessed. I've got BP motor parts all over my garage, at this point I'm much more confident to plug ahead and do a motor rebuild for the SM.
7/14/20 5:48 p.m.
In reply to 300zxfreak :
A journalistic boo-boo if ever there was one...
make one of those V8's a bit bigger and put it on a shifter kart.....