Whether you call this Nissan 300ZX a sedan delivery, a station wagon or a shooting brake, you’ll never see another one like it, right?
Here’s the full ad text:
'91 300ZX 2+2, with incomplete sedan delivery conversion. 177K miles. Automatic, A/C, smogged and licensed, shop manual, suspension upgra…
Read the rest of the story
Do you really need it?... Do you? 
8/24/17 3:18 p.m.
Pizza delivery drivers dream.
I thought it was going to be someone raising the hatch and doing something like this
I'd rock it. But I'm weird like that.
Would love it if done with at least half-ass skills. In its current 1/8-1/4-ass body work, no.
All the beauty of a Europa without any of the lightness to encumber you?
It's like the French Revolution. Interesting idea, but the execution was terrible.
Looks like a hearse without the sweet viewing window.
Reminds me of a Lotus Europa 
8/24/17 6:31 p.m.
Yo ho ho and a bottle of Nope.
8/24/17 6:59 p.m.
I kind of like the idea. Looks better than it did in my mind. Maybe not the best execution though.
chandlerGTi wrote:
I'd rock it. But I'm weird like that.
See, Ed, I told you that at least one other person would dig it.
Dusterbd13 wrote:
I dig it.
I'd dig a hole to bury it
Looks like a contemporary attempt of the XKE from Harold and Maude.
Little-known fact:
The last gen Diablo had headlights taken from this gen 300Z. Lamborghini put a little carbon fiber panel over the upper edge of the lense to hide the Nissan logo
I was never much of a fan of the 300 so I am OK with it.
I think you need to go full Harold and Maude with it though:

8/24/17 11:09 p.m.
You need this.... Like a meth addiction.
The idea is cool, the implementation is abysmal
Somewhere nearby there was a police report filed for stolen gallons of Bondo and half a dozen rolls of duct tape.
8/25/17 6:47 a.m.
Pete Gossett wrote:
All the beauty of a Europa without any of the lightness to encumber you?
Seen differently, it's a Europa that someone larger than 5'-6" can fit in comfortably.
Somebody needs to do this right by grafting a Pulsar Sportback onto a Z31: