A slant-six-powered 1964 Dodge Dart isn't what most people would start with when building a track car, but then again, user slantsix doesn’t sound like most people.
When bought sight unseen in August of 2015, this Dart was bone-stock with a broken odometer and numerou…
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5/12/20 2:56 p.m.
Great looking build! But there is no way that car is from Pennsylvania with that small amount of rust. 
Love it. Always go for something out of the ordinary.
Thanks for the splash feature editor Wood! Much Appreciated.
I will keep Jammon' on this project.
noddaz said:
Great looking build! But there is no way that car is from Pennsylvania with that small amount of rust. 
why doesn't my car run like that?
Your're Right Scott!
I Imported it to Pennsylvania from Southern Georgia.
Yup, cool build. Thanks for sharing, and keep it/them coming.
I’ve been watching a lot of Roadkill. I am itching for an older Mopar. Then I thought about unorthodox swaps, and in keeping with my love of inline sixes I thought BMW. I could anger a ton of people with a hot rod called ///Mopar with a turbo M52 . . .
More seriously, I understand the slant six does take boost well?
In reply to ZOO (Forum Supporter) :
With Boost:
With Moooore Boost:
and No Boost:
And there's also this: No Boost :-o
Why does the front end of the car remind me of this?

Because I De front Bumpered it :-)
Do you want to add boost to yours? Because if so I've got a big Holset turbo and some parts with your name on them...
In reply to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ :
Well Okay, Boost could eventually Be part of the Plan.
That's waaay down the road but no reason not to!
I have megasquirted 2 other slants but they are NA so far.
I could definitely add it to the to-boost List!
I think I really like the generation of Darts and Valiants that came after yours. I'd actually like a 4 door. I haven't seen one around me in years. But that would be my fun drag car project.
In reply to ZOO (Forum Supporter) :
Yes those are fun too. But they are wider and heavier... I have one. Its a blast too. Build parameters of that car were different than this one.
Walkaround/Old video/poor Quality... but you get the Idea..
K. Found a 73 Valiant four door with a 225 . . .
I imagine I need a mequasquirt, a turbo, and beefier transmission and rear end. Then I'm off to the drags, right?
I'm sure the Internet is filled with the recipe. But I'm a GRM kind of guy and I like the people here.
Edit: the one I found is a similar shade of brown.
In reply to ZOO (Forum Supporter) :
Depends on the rear end thats in it.
If it has the stock mopar 7.5. Then yes.
If it had the optional 8.25 (doubtful) then it will handle the power. Ford 8.8's are a cheap poplar swap.
Trans will be a 904 3 speed. It can be built to cope with whatever you can put through it with a slant 6. Some small block mopar racers build that trans behind 9-8 sec drag cars.
Thanks Greg!
I am disturbingly enabled right now . . .
ZOO (Forum Supporter) said:
K. Found a 73 Valiant four door with a 225 . . .
I imagine I need a mequasquirt, a turbo, and beefier transmission and rear end. Then I'm off to the drags, right?
I'm sure the Internet is filled with the recipe. But I'm a GRM kind of guy and I like the people here.
What transmission does it have? The A833 four speed manual is pretty stout to begin with; the automatic (A904) can get there with the right mods. A Mopar 8 3/4" or Ford 8.8 rear end is a good idea as the 7 1/4" rears are made of glass - if you have an 8 1/4" rear (not common on six cylinders) it might be OK.
The turbo and EFI plumbing is generally going to be custom fabricated. I've got a build on one such example, but it's on pause as it's at the shop where I work and I'm working from home for the time being.
I can help with any pseudo slant problems that may have for the time being!
If you get totally crazy with your valiant project you canget off the charts with something like this:
Live action Footage...
My second car, after a Plymouth Suburban wagon, was a 67 dart GT with a 225. Burned a quart of oil every 300 miles, so I put a NAPA long block in it.
I was racing horses then. Drove it all over the Eastern USA, and some of the Midwest. It would overheat at high speed, so I put a radiator from a 360 Cordoba in it.
99 MPH was enough to outrun a Cosworth Vega.
It got stolen in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, and recovered a couple of months later.
I had a lot of adventures in that car.