2/21/15 8:33 p.m.
I'm getting back to riding and need a new helmet too. I looked at my old Shoei and its rated M-90.
Probably due for replacement.
The Bell Qualifier doesn't seem to be snell rated which gives me pause. I have read good things about the HJC CL-17. I have a HJC AR-10 II for auto racing that fits me well. Hopefully I can find one locally to try. Maybe a Bell Vortex too.
2/22/15 8:19 p.m.
I rode around to a few bike shops and tried on some helmets. Cycle Gear was disappointing, they primarily only stocked their "built" brand which was too round for my head. When that didn't work they tried to sell me a shoei with screaming eagle graphics.
I found some Bell and HJC helmets at the local bike dealer. I liked the HJC best except for the thick check pads. I couldn't find a sales person, so I came home and ordered it online, along with some 10mm thinner check pads.

The stripes are reflective.
That's a nice looking helmet. I haven't really considered HJC. I'll have to stop back at Bob's and take a look. My struggle is the my long oval Medium size noggin. Trying to find something that doesn't make me look like a pin headed, bobblehead is tough.
2/22/15 8:50 p.m.
Not bad for $135.
I have a similar oval head.
2/22/15 10:13 p.m.
RC-17 color pattern MC-5GF
I just bought an Icon Airmada. Not Snell, but everything else. 4 shell sizes if I remember right and oval fit.
Paid $176 cdn for a plain white one and added a blue reflective shield for another $45.
revzilla vid
2/23/15 7:54 a.m.
Scorpion lids are my favorites; the little visor prop feature makes ventilation so much nicer and easy to deal with, they don't fog much, and they fit my somewhat long/oval head well. And they usually offer every model in a white + graphics pattern, which I prefer. Pricing is good, too.
2/23/15 11:03 a.m.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
yamaha wrote:
In reply to escort1991:
Holy hell, the Bell Qualifier COMES WITH the transitions visor now....
$229!?!? Helluva deal if it fits your nut. I love the graphics on that too.
I have the previous design of that on my Vortex.....but mine actually has the AVG markings and Disney "Flying Tiger" up on the top sides. Seems fitting as I ride bikes that are made by the same company of planes the AVG shot down 
In reply to bgkast:
The Cycle Gear I bought my helmet at had a large selection of many other brands. I can't fit my melon in an AGV. I ended up with another one of Cycle Gear's house brands a Seven Zero Seven and I'm pretty happy with it. It's light, has terrific ventilation and fits my head. The only downside is it's a little more noisy than the HJC it replaced.
I just got a new Scorpion EXO-500 which replaced an HJC CL-13/14 (or whatever). To me the Scorpion just fits much better, the HJC gave me hot spots on the forehead, had virtually no ventilation and moved around on my head at higher speeds (naked bike) while at the same time being uncomfortably tight.
The good thing about the Scorpion is that is has a lot going on - retractable sunshade, pop-open non-fog shield, vents, and pump-up cheek pads.
The bad thing is that it has a lot going and and some of these things are harder to work wearing gloves while going 80 on a naked bike than they were in the showroom. For instance, to pop the shield just a tad you use a lever instead of just opening it. So if it is "popped" and you come to a light, you have to move the lever to the "unpopped" position and then open the shield. When you get going if you want the shield "popped" again you have to first close the shield then work the lever. So nothing is perfect.
In reply to SEADave:
How's the EXO at highway speeds on the naked?
In reply to escort1991:
The EXO is great at highway speeds (and then some) on my naked Monster. No moving around on the head like the HJC used to do, just completely solid. And yes, both helmets are the same size (medium).
In reply to SEADave:
That's great to hear. Unfortunately, you can't feel the wind until you ride. With my mostly naked now Speed Triple, the wind gets deflected right at my head area. My brother who is 5'10 has no issues, me at 6'3 it's right at the head.
It's a toss up on an EXO and the Qualifier DLX due to budget. I want a clear shield and tinted.