I was riding from York, PA back to my place in Queens, NY yesterday and I came across a situation that I have some questions about. I was riding alone and just cruising up the turnpike when a group of about 8 riders passed me in the left lane all in a nice staggered formation. Would it have been appropriate of me to take up the tail end of the group and ride in their formation? I did for a mile or so and I made damn sure I was the absolute last one in the group. I guess it's added protection for both parties because I get a group to ride with and they get a rear bumper.
What do you guys think? I wouldn't mind if somebody joined my group to tag along. I am always looking out for other riders and they'd be welcome in my pack if they want to tag along, but when they start breaking up the formation for no reason or when they start passing me in my lane, I get annoyed (for obvious reasons).
Idk, but with bicycles we join rides we see going the other way all the time.
Why not? OK, hooking your sport bike to the back of a bunch of Angels may not be prudent, but there's safety in numbers.
If the pace picks up remeber that cops, like lions, pick off the old and weak at the back of the pack. ![](/media/img/icons/smilies/crazy-18.png)
I do it occasionally....most people around here ride mixed groups as is...
hell.....I take my Jap bike to the local Harley shops bike nights.. there's probably 10-20 jap bikes and 800-900 Harleys. no issues
As an occasional ride leader, please do not join without permission. first we don't know you or how you ride. Sometimes we cover specific safety stuff before leaving. Second the leaders watches out for his group. If I leave with 11 bikes in my mirror and there are now 10 bikes, we stop for the rider who fell off. If a stranger takes that place, someone could bleed out in a ditch. Also when you break off, we have to wonder if you left or fell off. Uncool IMHO.
Before the above post, I would not have cared if you rode with me as long as you understand how to stagger, change lanes, point out dangers, etc. But I have always been IN the pack, and the pack leader makes some excellent points. I will follow loudes13's advice if I am on the road alone!
loudes13 is correct.
Following a really small group (<5 or so) at a safe distance? Sure.
Following a large group, like you're part of the group? Best to ask.
I always stagger up with other riders. they are usually happy to have another one to join their crew, and its a lot safer for me to travel in a group, generally.
Its safer to ride staggered anyway. Leaves more time/room for maneuvering.
Following along at a safe distance, I don't care. If the group is riding real tight, should you join in? No. They shouldn't be riding real tight anyway. But if you want to follow along 2 seconds behind the last bike or 1 car length per 10 MPH, whatever the law is in your state, go for it as far as I'm concerned. Few cruisers can keep up with us out on the highway anyway. It usually goes like this: I blast past someone on a new dresser. They are like, big deal, some guy on an old Evo passed me. Then my wife blasts by them and you can see them think "I'll let an Evo dresser pass me, but I'll be damned if a girl on a Sportster blows my doors off" and they pick it up for a while, then can't keep up and drop back.
My pack philosophy is one I've developed and call The Buddy System. Everyone knows who is behind them, everyone rides in the same order. Everyone keeps an eye out for their buddy behind them. Stop if your buddy isn't there. If you have 4 people and #4 drops off, #3 stops, #2 doesn't see #3 and stops, #1 doesn't see #2, turns around and collects people.
Good advice. I think you guys have a point. So no, I won't join in any groups. They were going too fast for my taste anyway (I ride at the speed limit...).
Thanks for the feedback!
Never ride faster than your feel comfortable. Never let another rider or group of riders pressure you into riding faster than your personal limit. Anytime you start down a road with another rider and you are thinking to yourself "damn we are going fast" thats your first warning that youre pushing beyond your limits. A good group will wait for everyone at intersections and gas stations, and if the group doesn't want to wait, you don't want to ride with them.
Its also worth noting that when my friends and I go ride, we all wear full gear. I try to shy away from the squids riding without gear. I once had to peel a shorts and t shirt squid and his bent R6 off some asphalt down in virginia. His shirt was shredded and so was most of his visible skin. It was not something I'd care to repeat.
If I'm on the freeway I might tail rider so people see two bikes instead of one, other than that I don't do any group riding. Through the twisties I refuse to slow down for a group, I'll fire up the hill and wait for the other people to catch up.
I don't think I'd tail a group of bikes, usually groups are too damned slow to keep up with all 500cc of my blast anyways. I also don't believe there is that much strength in numbers, all it means is if someone eats it in front of you now you have to avoid a swarm of motorcycles swerving around an accident. My last point about group riding is you don't know the experience of some of the bikers in that gang and they might be total novices on an overpowered bike.
One time a year or so ago I was riding through the mountain and got behind a group of harley owners. There was roadwork so we had to stop. When the lane opens, there is a 2-3inch raise in the asphalt running parallel with the road. Well the first biker got his glide up the thing and rides on, but the second guy hits the thing parallel to the raise and lays it down. A big full dresser. All the bikes started pulling over, etc. I rode right pass the mess, I'm not there to help you pick that 700lbs POS off the ground.
While I agree with Loudes13, as a leader keeping count of all the noses can be a challenge and is important during a spirited ride in the mountains, but what was described is highway riding. If you can't keep it upright on a highway maybe you should be on four wheels.
Hooking to the back of a pack is OK, but I generally ride fast and in groups of five or less. If the pack is out running me or doing things (like zig zagging through traffic) that I'm not comfortable with or bring bad PR to motorcyclists, I back off. Big groups draw attention and piss off cars.
I rode today with one guy. He was riding a little fast for my taste on the freeway, but I just don't like getting pulled over. I like to putz around most of the time. But I am getting a taste for leaning the bike now and boy do I like it! I still don't ride fast or push myself or the bike, but I'm starting to get comfortable carving up some corners.
On our way back on the parkway, we got passed on two separate occasions by packs of douche nozzles on sport bikes in our own lane. I berkeleying hate that. If you want to pass me, let me move over. Then you can pass me in the other lane. Otherwise, wait your berkeleying turn, shiny happy person. But I did like having some jackrabbits to bait the police (we were doing 70 in a 55 at this point).
Oh, and all the gear, all the time. I wore a t-shirt one time when I was at the beach. We went no more than 25 mph (I can hit 30 on my Cannondale). It felt kinda nice, but when you start moving faster and hit insects, it hurts. I want better gear though. I know jeans won't hold up to much, but it's the best I can do now.
Yeah, I really hate it when some shiny happy person passes me in my lane. Really pisses me off. Usually they are moving up so fast you don't see them and then they just blast by next to you. I don't check my mirrors when I'm changing from one position in my lane to another. If I ran into one of those and pushed him off into the telephone pole, oh well. And with my 900 lb dresser, someone else is gonna lose in a pushing contest. I would be very upset if that happened, as I'd need new bags or chrome.