I have been pondering selling both of my cars (one is already for sale) and replacing them with a miata or ft86 and a motorcycle. I have also been lamenting the fact I would like to have a home gym and don't quite have the room to do it like I would want to.
Sitting and watching tv with my wife this afternoon, out of the blue she said, "You know what you should do, is sell both of your cars and buy a motorcycle and have that take up half of your garage space and build a gym in the other half."
She is pretty practical, so I was a bit confused, but She said "Just put back the rest of the money from selling the cars and if you decide you can't do a bike year round just buy another car with cash."
The caveat is I have to stay working where I am because they provide me with a work van that I take back and forth to work everyday, but thats not a problem since I plan to retire from there if nothing changes in the next 15 years. This could be a pretty neat year. Pretty neat wife too.