What's with motorcyclists playing chicken with the cars? On Sunday I had a guy basically daring me to take him out at 80mph on I-70
On Sunday afternoon, Mrs. & I were headed back from the Glenwood Rallye in our Focus ST. We're headed east on 70 through the mountains about two hours west of Denver. I'm in the left lane. I notice an orange Harley in the right lane. Traffic in the left lane is going faster than traffic in the right lane. As I'm about to pass the guy on the Harley, he abruptly darts into the left lane in front of me. I have to get onto the brakes to avoid hitting him.
"Motherberkleying asshat"! Eventually, traffic on the right starts moving better. I pass him. I change lanes a few times, put the hammer down and put much distance as I can between me and him as I can. About 20 minutes later, he's caught up to me again. He's in the right lane. As I'm about to pass him, again he abruptly changes lanes and I have to brake to avoid taking him out.
What the hell? 
LuxInterior wrote:
orange Harley
'nuff said...
He's simply asserting lane dominance and letting you know who's boss.
Keep doing it and he'll bring out his Get Back Whip.
There are asshats out there. They can be on motorcycles, in cars or trucks. They can be pedestrians or on bicycles. You found one. One that doesn't seem to have much in the way of self preservation but an asshat none the less.
Maybe he didn't hear you. You should install a louder exhaust. I hear they save lives.
This is pretty much most motorcycles around here anymore.
They are worse shiny happy people than BMW, Porsche and all exotic owners combine. Sport bike riders are the worst, but the Harley crowd isn't much better. The BMW riders are by far the best to be near.
Kylini wrote:
Maybe he didn't hear you. You should install a louder exhaust. I hear they save lives.
Oh he knew I was there all right. A person doesn't do something that intentional and that stupid twice in a short period without knowing who's there.
Trans_Maro wrote:
LuxInterior wrote:
orange Harley
'nuff said...
He's simply asserting lane dominance and letting you know who's boss.
Keep doing it and he'll bring out his Get Back Whip.
This unfortunately. It seemed that he'd picked me out to berk with because I was in a black "tuner" car.
I love the ones who ride on the center line as if daring someone to come near them. Or the groups that blow a red light because some of their friends made it through on the green and they either don't want to be left behind, or they just feel they have the right to blast through en masse. shiny happy people can be driving anything, but summer sure brings out some clowns.
I watched one winner on a hardtail a while ago get tired of following a semi through a traffic circle. So he pinned it and passed the truck in the circle by going over the center apron. But he didn't warn his old Lady in the bitch seat and she was airborne. I busted a gut laughing at her trying desperately to get her seat back as her old man ripped through the gears. He wasn't waiting for her.
I'm pretty sure the answer to all of these can be covered with "BECAUSE berkeley YOU, THAT'S WHY".
The whole world seems to need an ass kicking. And I'm just the guy to be somewhere else when it happens 
Saw an office worker in the city on his reedy little twatcycle today 'swerve' from inches behind one beigemobile across another beigemobile by about a foot from a stop light at all of 5mph feverishly accelerating to 20 whilst his white button down billowed like a big girls blouse in the ferocious turbulence of his blistering launch. 
Drivers like this are why I roll with a dash cam. That way when you squash them you have a digital witness to the negligent driving.
6/16/17 7:48 a.m.
When your car is dented with visible damage, they don't mess with you. You must present a reputation that you don't care! Maybe add a few motorcycle stickers like WWII aircraft displayed kills.

I have noticed a rise in slow people who don't want to be passed overall, bikes and car and semis. Many times in recent memory, I have been cruising down a long stretch of highway. Traffic is light, no cops in sight, so I am maintaining a brisk pace. Ahead there is a car or a truck in the right lane, minding their own business and doing the speed limit. I change lanes to pass, signaling and giving plenty of safe distance like a good driver should. But then the asshat suddenly changes lanes for no reason at all. Not passing anyone, not avoiding a rodent...nothing. I have to slow way down and wait to see WTF they are thinking. I can't simply change back to the right lane and blast by because I assume they are doing this intentionally and may swipe over again. So I wait, then carefully pass on the right or they eventually get back to the right lane.
I swear it's people trying to enforce the speed limit themselves because they are old and grumpy. If you are such a stickler for the law, what about failure to yield huh?
Yep...general douchebaggery abounds. Like berktards doing the exact limit on the highway in the left lane...because in their mind they have the right to do what they want. I will tell you what I think about your "rights"...what did the 5 fingers say to the face?
nutherjrfan wrote:
Saw an office worker in the city on his reedy little twatcycle today 'swerve' from inches behind one beigemobile across another beigemobile by about a foot from a stop light at all of 5mph feverishly accelerating to 20 whilst his white button down billowed like a big girls blouse in the ferocious turbulence of his blistering launch.
Very descriptive sir! I can see the whole event in my mind's eye.
Last weekend I took the Versys out for a ride. I was headed down a main road in town with a 35 mph limit. There was a cop car in the lane to my right, and a curb on the left. (one way street)
All of the sudden the Cop-- THE COP-- turns into my lane and nearly hits me! She had her window down and I screamed something unintelligible at her....I'm sure laced with profanity. She put the hammer down, and never looked back--- probably hit 60mph before taking off over the bridge and out of sight.
Pretty sure I scared the E36 M3 out of her......and she hauled ass so I wouldn't get her plate, or car number.
Come on copper------ get with the program and pay attention! You are supposed to be protecting me from people like you! 
All the more reason to drive with a traffic cam.
Beginning to think there is something in the water that causes motorcyclist especially Harley owners to ride like asshats.
wearymicrobe wrote:
All the more reason to drive with a traffic cam.
Beginning to think there is something in the water that causes motorcyclist especially Harley owners to ride like asshats.
Honestly I see more crotch-rocket guys driving like asshats than Harley guys.......and we have a TON of Harley guys in Daytona. I swear, it's like Milwaukee South!
Biggest problem here with the Harley guys (and gals), is they drive so damn slow. It's like they are always going 5-10mph under the limit!
It's entirely possible to go too slow.
Joe Gearin wrote:
Last weekend I took the Versys out for a ride. I was headed down a main road in town with a 35 mph limit. There was a cop car in the lane to my right, and a curb on the left. (one way street)
All of the sudden the Cop-- THE COP-- turns into my lane and nearly hits me! She had her window down and I screamed something unintelligible at her....I'm sure laced with profanity. She put the hammer down, and never looked back--- probably hit 60mph before taking off over the bridge and out of sight.
Pretty sure I scared the E36 M3 out of her......and she hauled ass so I wouldn't get her plate, or car number.
Come on copper------ get with the program and pay attention! You are supposed to be protecting me from people like you!
That would have been a really surreal chase if you went to get the plate #. A bike chasing the cops.
wearymicrobe wrote:
All the more reason to drive with a traffic cam.
I just pre-ordered the new Sena helmet mounted one for myself. Mostly because I rolled up on a municipal tag throwing a McD's bag out the window and I couldn't remember the plate number to get the berkeleystick fired. I hate litter as much as I hate everything. Which is like, er, a lot. And stuff. There is always something I wish I could have snapped a pic of so... now I'll roll tape and push the button to save that stuff.
It's totally cool to buy my own father's day present, right?
6/16/17 2:20 p.m.
Huckleberry wrote:
It's totally cool to buy my own father's day present, right?
I thought it was a requirement, but this is only my second one, I might not be good at it yet.
In reply to Huckleberry:
Which one? I'm saving my pennies now to buy one. I'm thinking either the Prism Tube or the drift stealth 2.
It's the new Sena 10C Bluetooth camera headset.