some clod in his/her 4x4 spent some time the other night thoroughly wrecking the wet hay field of a friend of mine. Ruts about 2 feet deep, and did the sit-and-spin routine roughly in the middle , digging out a ~30' hole a few feet deep. Just great. Now he's trying to figure out if he'll be able to harvest the hay this year, or if he should completely replow to get it reshaped. As well the added cost of fencing it in.
Makes what another neighbor did seem real understandable. Another 4x4 clod was tearing up another field when his Disco broke. When he came back to get it towed out it seems some mysterious vandals had broken all the windows and thoroughly smashed it. From what I've heard, the police weren't sympathetic to him at all when he called them from the scene of his crime (he thought he was a victim).