Threw the 64 el Camino on craigslist last night. Usually I try a reasonable price, long detailed description, and a few pictures. This time i did a very short description, overpriced it at 18k, and ten pictures.
Don't know if I'll actually sell it, but I want to see what kind of interest the tactics generate. Seems like this way could work really well, asppeople will actually call to get more information.
8/3/15 7:19 a.m.
I trad U sum PaInTbALl gearz ands 500 if U tak paymints.
I bet thats what you get.
I get that with my normal method. Can't be any worse this way. If it is, oh well. The experiment didn't cost anything.
Are the pictures taken in the middle of the night 30 feet from the nearest light pole? I hear that helps.
Nah. Black and shiny in direct sunlight. Same effect.
8/3/15 9:28 a.m.
Selling the driveabeater? Nooooooooooo!!
Might if the offer is good enough. I'd probably cry watching it drive off.
Grm would get it for 14.5k. And I'dsstill cry. But would know it was going to a good home.
I think the novelty for you is building and debugging them. Sell it and don't look back, then build something else.
My dad says the same thing. Very few out of the last 47 cars I've owned actually resonate with me to point that I love the finished product.
Neon, duster, crx, c4 vette. The flatbed 54 ford was cool too.
How did teh new tactic work out for you? I'm always interested to hear stories of craigslist whatnot.
Not a bit. One email.
It was worth exactly what I paid for it.
Oh well. Maybe I'll try my normal method the next time it pissess me off.
I tried listing both of my Mark VII's with detailed descriptions for double what i thought they were worth assuming someone would offer half of what I was asking.
Apparently I have the uncanny ability of attaining cars on their way down the depreciation curve and trying to sell them at the very bottom of it.