This is what I do. Call the closest Community College and get the number for the Auto Shop department. Call them and find out what days the AC class is and who the instructor is. Show up a little before class and talk to the teacher about getting the AC fixed.
I have done this around three times and it is very easy and cheap. You pay for the parts and the students do the labor and get troubleshooting experience. You do not even have to pay for any of the gas used in the system, that is payed by the students "lad" fees.
Cheapest AC repair job I did in the shop was $400. That was an AC compressor clutch that didn't require breaking the system open.
Biggest thing I hate right now is the clutch is bad on my Dakota, but that is $150 from the dealer or I can buy a new compressor for $200. But in order for the compressor to be warrantiable, I have to buy all sort of bullE36 M3 I do NOT need. :mad:
6/5/12 1:38 p.m.
The costs for AC repair is where the interweb pictures of the old beater with a $99 window AC from Lowe's Depot get started.
Did you ever look up the price on techchoiceparts?