7/26/20 12:43 p.m.
That is the number of posts I've made on this iteration of the forum. Not sure how many I had on the earlier version. I've met some of you in person over the years, but a larger number of you, I've only met online through this forum. I feel like many of you are friends even if we've never met or spoken. Thanks for that. I'm going to stop frequenting this forum, for now, and just wanted to say so long and I wish you well.
In reply to T.J. :
I've enjoyed the sense of humor you put into your posts over the years. You'll be missed along with the recent departures of EbonyandIvory and Cousin Eddie, but I understand.
Take a break, nuttin' wrong w/ that
And along comes Patrick, Big Word Knower, to throw this whole attention seeking situation right into the ditch. Real cool Patrick!
In reply to pres589 (djronnebaum) :
Attention Seeking Situation?

(noon edit, was not calling tj an ass, rather enjoyed his company here)
Is this where we insert the sarcastic social media, "This isn't an airport, no need to announce your departure" quip?
Sorry to see you go. I recently took a break for about 6-7 weeks from social media (Facebook/Twitter/IG) and I suspect it's about time to do it indefinitely as well. Outside of the panic/school threads this is one of the only sane places on the interwebz.
7/27/20 9:55 a.m.
I'm assuming you still have my #. See you when I see you.