Mod Squad
2/25/14 8:18 a.m.
I have a coworker with truck problems who asked me if I have any ideas why his truck is running a bit hot. (I'm not sure why he asked me, considering that I throw my hands up and run away like a scared little girl when faced with engines or other parts that spin about and move.) Any advice you can offer would be helpful.
Vehicle: 1992 Ranger XLT, 4.0 L v6, 2WD
Symptom: Running on the high side of normal
Recent repair history: thermostat, thermostat housing, water pump, fan belt, fan clutch, idler pully, all new hoses
(....and yet, despite all this, it still is running on the high side of normal)
two things that pop in my head.
improperly mixed coolant and/or an intake gasket leak.
edit: Too hot of thermostat installed?
radiator missing a lot of fins or clogged?
Mod Squad
2/25/14 9:03 a.m.
The previous owner is supposed to have replaced the radiator about a year ago
JoeyM wrote:
The previous owner is supposed to have replaced the radiator about a year ago
Does it look new?
Check the timing as well.
Infrared temp gun the radiator inlet and outlet plus across the core. Rebleed the air out of the system.
Does the heater work? Will it bring down the temp on the gauge?
2/25/14 2:05 p.m.
Kenny_McCormic wrote:
Put a real gauge on it.
This right here, I've had a bunch of Fords of that era read all over the place on that "Normal" sweep......they all read a consistant 205-210* on an autometer gauge.
Mod Squad
2/25/14 2:06 p.m.
Thanks guys, very useful. I'll tell him to take a look at this thread, get a real temp reading, and try the heater.