without turning this into a holy-Berkeley moment I ask very seriously for 2 incredibly simple things from everyone on the board, and your families and you'll all benefit from doing them in the long run.
without turning this into a holy-Berkeley moment I ask very seriously for 2 incredibly simple things from everyone on the board, and your families and you'll all benefit from doing them in the long run.
thank you … I'm in the same situation as you are (just not to the extreme as you) … the only reason it's not still growing unabated is the pain in my back/shoulder finally reached the point I HAD to get someone to look at it … radiation starts today
capt. you are in my thoughts and prayers everyday (as in Curmudgeon)
Best wishes to you both, and thanks for the reminder. I'm making it a point to see my doctor at least yearly from now on, whether I "need to" or not.
Also I'm biased, but I'd like to encourage everyone who has a diagnosis of Cancer to talk to their oncologist about a clinical trial for treatment. Some of our best options aren't yet FDA approved, and by participating, you're doing a huge service to those who are diagnosed in the future.
We're all in this together. Remember that every day.
Yeah. With all my moving around and lack of insurance until fairly recently, I only a week ago had a physical for the first time in years.
Apparently I have blood pressure issues. We know stress is a major factor, but are trying to determine how much it contributes, and how much it's based on other factors (RNP didn't like that I usually have 2-3 drinks every day). So, now I have to monitor my blood pressure daily.
33 years old, and the RNP was about to write me a prescription for blood pressure medication if I hadn't reported being under serious stress and just getting distressing news immediately before leaving for my exam.
Can I add a third?
Give blood as often as you can. It's nearly painless, super beneficial to the surrounding community, and you actually feel pretty good afterwards. Plus, sweet snacks.
I ignored my "indigestion" for several months because I didn't like going to doctors. When it finally got to the point that I decided to go get it looked at, I ended up with a cardiac surgeon,a cardiologist, and a visit to my primary care physician every six months. It turns out they're all very nice people. My organ donor symbol is on my driver's license (assuming my parts are still usable). I know my travails don't hold a candle to you guys battling cancer,but I hope each of you battles through your issues and can share your experiences with the rest of us after you're clear in a few years.
tuna55 wrote: Can I add a third? Give blood as often as you can. It's nearly painless, super beneficial to the surrounding community, and you actually feel pretty good afterwards. Plus, sweet snacks.
I've given more than 4 gal. and donated plasma for ~ 10 yrs … twice a week … equalled ~ $20,000 income ..
been a card carrying organ donor since the mid '70's
good idea about the clinical trials … I'm in a diabetes trials right now, and was in a blood pressure trials several yrs ago .. don't think I can get into another while I'm in this one … would hate to have to drop out of one to get into another
excellent addition Tuna, and I don't know how I managed to make the points bold red article headline font, but I don't mind that it occurred, as it's fairly fitting.
wb, I'm just thankful that my hospital and treatment facility sounds to have better wi-fi then yours. I make light of it, but i've even taking to bringing my laptop and have even started doing a light amount of work while here.
captdownshift wrote: ...I don't know how I managed to make the points bold red article headline font, but I don't mind that it occurred, as it's fairly fitting...
Using the "#" sets the text that follows to a level of highlighting or headlining. One "#" is the top level, "##" the second (with shadow), "###" the third (sort of big bold), and "####" is the same as bold. i.e:
You tried to do a numbered list, which I don't think the board supports. Closest you can probably do is a bullet list with numbers ("- 1"):
Appleseed wrote: Can a,Type I diabetic be an organ doner? Serious question.
To the best of my knowledge, yes. Diabetes is a problem with your Pancreas so while it affects almost everything else the other organs are inherently fine (unless they are damaged by the diabetes along the way i.e. kidney failure).
All that said, it would be a good question for your M.D. and you could make up a laminated wallet card to keep with your license specifying which bits are good for the scavengers and which need to be left alone.
Good question though, thanks for taking the initiative.
tuna55 wrote: Can I add a third? Give blood as often as you can. It's nearly painless, super beneficial to the surrounding community, and you actually feel pretty good afterwards. Plus, sweet snacks.
When I was in school, and later when I lived in Texas, I gave blood regularly. Got the key chain, coffee mug, shirts they give you each time you get to another gallon. Every 6-8 weeks for 10 or 15 years. In Texas, I even did a directed donation for my wife, because we both have the same, rare blood type. No charge for this, and they gave the blood to someone else when they did not use it for her.
Then I moved to California. Gave blood a few times, then the wife needed surgery, so I tried to do the directed donation thing. They go over the paper work I will need to fill out, and I have to show up with a money order for $500 to pay for the service, what are you talking about? There is a fee. "So you are going to charge me $500 to give blood for my wife, which if you don't use, you will sell to someone else for $500?" No, if it is not used, it is discarded. "I had no idea there was a glut of blood products." Oh there is not, usually there is a shortage. They never did give me a straight answer as to why, and I pursued it. They even told me there medical director was a guy who turned out to have died a few years earlier, true story. I still give blood when I go to Texas, and gave blood in Reno last time I was there, but the blood source in California can bite me.
I am an organ donor, and am on the bone marrow list still. The organ donor thing they will still check with your family, so make sure your next of kin knows your wishes. When I am done with them, they can do what they like with my kidneys and what not.
Good luck with your medical concerns Capt, we are all praying for you.
Appleseed wrote: Can a,Type I diabetic be an organ doner? Serious question.
I don't know .. there have to be some organs that, while affected by the diabetes aren't "carriers" so to speak … if they aren't too much damaged by the diabetes …shouldn't be any reason that they can't be …
maybe Dr Hess can step in here for some clarity
Toebra wrote:tuna55 wrote: Can I add a third? Give blood as often as you can. It's nearly painless, super beneficial to the surrounding community, and you actually feel pretty good afterwards. Plus, sweet snacks.When I was in school, and later when I lived in Texas, I gave blood regularly. Got the key chain, coffee mug, shirts they give you each time you get to another gallon. Every 6-8 weeks for 10 or 15 years. In Texas, I even did a directed donation for my wife, because we both have the same, rare blood type. No charge for this, and they gave the blood to someone else when they did not use it for her. Then I moved to California. Gave blood a few times, then the wife needed surgery, so I tried to do the directed donation thing. They go over the paper work I will need to fill out, and I have to show up with a money order for $500 to pay for the service, what are you talking about? There is a fee. "So you are going to charge me $500 to give blood for my wife, which if you don't use, you will sell to someone else for $500?" No, if it is not used, it is discarded. "I had no idea there was a glut of blood products." Oh there is not, usually there is a shortage. They never did give me a straight answer as to why, and I pursued it. They even told me there medical director was a guy who turned out to have died a few years earlier, true story. I still give blood when I go to Texas, and gave blood in Reno last time I was there, but the blood source in California can bite me. I am an organ donor, and am on the bone marrow list still. The organ donor thing they will still check with your family, so make sure your next of kin knows your wishes. When I am done with them, they can do what they like with my kidneys and what not. Good luck with your medical concerns Capt, we are all praying for you.
as though any of us needed more reasons to avoid moving to the PRC
In reply to Toebra:
I asked those same questions here in SC of the Blood Connection.
No charge, obviously. In the event they have extra of something, they first try to direct people towards other items (plasma, platets) or waiting. If they still have excess, they ship outward towards other hospitals outside of their normal region. They never throw anything away. I didn't ask for proof of this, but it sounds plausible.
Appleseed wrote: Can a,Type I diabetic be an organ doner? Serious question.
Short answer - yes you can. Honestly we call Gift of Life for ALL deaths in hospital, and they determine if the deceased is suitable for donation, then speak with the family.
To add to the points made:
Organ donor here. It's on my drivers license and in my will, along with cremation and scattering my ashes on racetracks. I am not making that up.
I can't agree more with Dave's OP. Something that the average goober does not know: typically cancer tumors are not painful even when palpated (squeezed). So if you find a lump somewhere, squeeze it and it doesn't hurt better boogie to the doc. In wb's case as well as mine there was no pain until bone was invaded and weakened, causing compression fractures.
Can i propose a 4th?
if you feel depressed or suicidal, get help. It's not normal. It's not your fault. You don't have to 'put up with it.' It may not always be easy to deal with it, and all it takes is one moment of weakness to make a VERY bad, irreversible decision. Talk to someone about it.
tuna55 wrote: In reply to Toebra: I asked those same questions here in SC of the Blood Connection. No charge, obviously. In the event they have extra of something, they first try to direct people towards other items (plasma, platets) or waiting. If they still have excess, they ship outward towards other hospitals outside of their normal region. They never throw anything away. I didn't ask for proof of this, but it sounds plausible.
they won't "throw" anything away until it can't be used … i.e. ages out …or refrigeration goes out … that sort of thing
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