Hmmm. It appears my GRM secret santa has a deviant sense of humor. My haul (very fun) includes some stickers, a nifty little tool kit, some safety glasses, one headlight bulb wrapped in tissue paper (which survived!), a brake tubing bender (I think), a shotgun choke (I believe), some hose clamps, a roll of duct tape, a key fob to an Audi (I hope you meant to send that and aren't stuck waiting for a ride), a Mag-club, a set of camber bolts for a Civic/RSX, zip ties......
Take a breath, that was a heckuva wall o text. But we're not done yet.
Some LED lighting I'm gonna have to figure out a use for, a single 10mm socket on a zip tie, what appears to be an old front license plate from the far northwest of the continental US, an antifreeze tester, a pair of chilly grip gloves even......
And in what might be my favorite thing yet, a bottle of rum in a metal cage! Is it art? Is it a way to prove that my drinking is under control (so long as I don't cut open the cage I can't have a problem), is it simply a demented mind at work in the shop with a welder and desire to torment? We may never know.
Thank you secret Santa, you made my day (and Tiger Mom is laughing at me go through my loot like a 10 year old).