5 and a half months was enough for me to learn that equipment rental is NOT my gig. Got offered with a former employer at the closer GM store a position. Now I'm back to slinging parts. first week in after a 6 year hiatus was hectic but I'm feeling better, more adjusted and overall happier. Long hours this week but they've been short staffed so it wasn't unexpected.
Nice. I start back at the old parts gig on Monday.
I was doing so well and then got slammed with E36 M3 I don't know about. This is the part that annoys me. I can't know it but I feel like I should even though there's no way to.
Good luck with the new old job.
There are times when I think my parts counter job was one of the best jobs I ever had, I just didn't know it at the time. Unfortunately, the store closed a few years after I left. The location I worked at has had a rotating number of tenets over the years. The location in a neighboring town is now a Rita's Water Ice. The original location in Philly sort of comes up on searches, but I think it's defunct as well.
GM dealer ehh.. Got any of them LS ERod Crate motors or Tremec trans on sale?
I was wondering what was up when you mentioned two weeks notice. Hope you're happy. I see too many people work jobs they don't enjoy.
3/19/21 4:00 p.m.
bobzilla said:
I was doing so well and then got slammed with E36 M3 I don't know about. This is the part that annoys me. I can't know it but I feel like I should even though there's no way to.
But do you ship to Canada?
Stampie (FS) said: I see too many people work jobs they don't enjoy.
I did for years. The last few years at my last job were miserable. But at my age nobody was going to hire me. Laying me off was the best thing that could have happened. Of course being at retirement age helped a lot.
In reply to spitfirebill :
I'm on commission and I can have good months but it's a fight to get anything done right and a little voice says to me it's not always about the money. Where am I going to go?
3/20/21 6:38 a.m.
I'd love to end my working days back as a parts guy. Unfortunately, dealership owners seem to think it's a job anyone with a pulse can do and pay accordingly (unless you're a manager). I enjoyed my first decade of employment doing the parts thing.
Stampie (FS) said:
I was wondering what was up when you mentioned two weeks notice. Hope you're happy. I see too many people work jobs they don't enjoy.
The only time I worked jobs I didn't like is after the 2008 Great Recession I was desperate hated those. Learned to love bus driving. Go figure
3/20/21 7:57 a.m.
Glad you found somewhere Bob. But wow has part sales changed in the last decade or so. I would go post about in the rant section, but no one needs to hear it. 
"Always look on the bright side of life"
11 more months until full eligibility.
3/20/21 8:15 a.m.
In reply to Datsun310Guy :
Right there with you. I’ve been doing sales / project management for over 25 years. We had a significant job going this past Saturday, I had spent the previous 2 weeks getting all the players set up so things would go smoothly. Everything ended up going fine but I swear if I hadn’t spent close to 10 hours on site watching progress and directing traffic it would have been a E36 M3show. You’d think the lead techs would take the bull by the horns a bit. Not their first rodeo on one of my jobs, they know I set them up for success.
Maybe I make it too easy but I can’t not give a E36 M3. The clock is ticking down though, we’ll see if anyone steps up. If not, I’ve done my part.
In reply to noddaz :
Yeah things have changed in the almost 6 years I've been gone. But a lot of it has stayed the same. I went into this A.) not wanting to be the boss and 2.) with more training and experience with people/customers and myself than when I left. I knew what to expect. I was not delusional in my memories of old. It's not an easy job but when you leave the ego at the door and have the mindset to help as much as you can but knowing you also have limits it gets significantly easier.
and 12 years from now if the world doesn't go to hell in a hand basket I'll be done with 40-50 hour work weeks n
ddavidv said:
I'd love to end my working days back as a parts guy. Unfortunately, dealership owners seem to think it's a job anyone with a pulse can do and pay accordingly (unless you're a manager). I enjoyed my first decade of employment doing the parts thing.
This one was in a pickle and knew my worth.
32 years ago I started in the aftermarket parts business. From counter to suit-and-tie corporate. I tried other things once or twice, but I keep going back to working in a store. Most employees make less than they're worth. Some don't deserve minimum wage...
3/20/21 6:52 p.m.
bobzilla said:
I was doing so well and then got slammed with E36 M3 I don't know about. This is the part that annoys me. I can't know it but I feel like I should even though there's no way to.
That gets me like every time, no matter what. My default thought is "well someone asked ME, so apparently THEY think I should know!" At which point I start to get all paranoid about myself and my position, go all "imposter syndrome."
Congrats on getting a call for a job where somebody wanted you. It's great to be appreciated. Even if it wears off.
As someone who went into parts sales last year, I don't understand how people can spend a lot of years doing this. Some customers make my head hurt
After nearly 40 years in construction, I let a customer hire me away from my company a couple years ago. I figured facilities management was a lot like construction except I'd only have to worry about 1 building. Nope. I was wrong.
My old company hired me back with a 30% pay raise. I couldn't be happier. Construction is where I belong, and I intend to be with this company until I retire.
I hope you have similar good experiences!
3/21/21 12:16 p.m.
dropstep said:
As someone who went into parts sales last year, I don't understand how people can spend a lot of years doing this. Some customers make my head hurt
Yep, there is some of that.