In reply to VolvoHeretic :
I wouldn't use logs, it's getting vinyl siding outside because I don't want the maintenance of even something as simple as simple as cedar shingles. I do like the exposed beam look inside. At 5k Canadian dollars that seems like a economical framing option.
SV reX
2/26/23 7:42 p.m.
In reply to 1SlowVW :
It is, but it commits you to a concrete foundation, and most likely SIPs panels on the exterior.
It's definitely not cheaper than stick built. But probably nicer.
Stick built on 2x6 16" O.C. spacing with R-19 F.G. insulation and with any vaulted engineered truss and R-50+ attic insulation is the cat's meow. Everything else is totally wasted heating expense. Windows are the greatest heating lost.
Look up Frost Protected Shallow Foundation (FPSF) It expects you to heat the foundation year long, but with the right reinforcing, could be freezable. We love Concrete slabs.
2/27/23 12:58 a.m.
Since it sounds like you can only build 625 sq ft, build it all on the ground but make the interior REALLY high. Like 18'. Do not add a loft. Then once it's done and signed off, build a free standing, (ie, not attached to the structure), raised platform to add more useable space. Just don't call it a loft...
67LS1 said:
Since it sounds like you can only build 625 sq ft, build it all on the ground but make the interior REALLY high. Like 18'. Do not add a loft. Then once it's done and signed off, build a free standing, (ie, not attached to the structure), raised platform to add more useable space. Just don't call it a loft...
Are you suggesting that I may not see a building inspector again at this location that's an hour from the nearest traffic light ?
If I'm honest most people don't even get permits out where I'd be. But whatever I choose to go with I would like it to be legal.
In reply to Rob35 :
Is there a place to store canoes? It's really a must for a project like this.
In all seriousness I'm working on securing the land now. Kind of thinking it's probably worth it to say screw it to the 625 and just go 24/24 a frame with a loft.
SV reX
3/10/23 7:58 a.m.
In reply to 1SlowVW :
I thought you said no A-frames?
In reply to 1SlowVW :
Early on in this thread you mentioned profit speculation. With that in mind when figuring cabin placement on the land try to be mindful of future expandability of the cabin.
Your future buyer might want larger so ensure this is feasible.
SV reX said:
In reply to 1SlowVW :
I thought you said no A-frames?
Yeah...I won't go back to quote myself for hypocrisies sake but I didn't think it could be made to work on the 625sq ft plan. If that's out the window it's back on the table. 24x24 or similar with a hip wall upstairs would give enough usable space while feeling less cramped.
Yeah I think building something that could be added onto is a good idea. Also this won't be a flip, but the speculation makes me feel better about borrowing what I consider to be a very large amount of money for a non unnecessary purchase. In reality the land will cost me less than a new half ton. oh wait, there I go again justifying it to myself.
3/10/23 4:41 p.m.
In reply to 1SlowVW :
Also a good chance someone from away will want the land to build their 4,000 sq ft dream on.
This is a simple version of an A-frame added on to. Start small and later what once was the entire cabin could become just the living room.

Rons said:
In reply to 1SlowVW :
Also a good chance someone from away will want the land to build their 4,000 sq ft dream on.
Likely, that's what's driving prices out of reach for locals and former locals like myself now. Which is why I'm willing to stretch a bit financially to make it happen.
3/10/23 6:19 p.m.
1SlowVW said:
In reality the land will cost me less than a new half ton. oh wait, there I go again justifying it to myself.
No need to justify it, just buy it.
It's awful hard to lose money on dirt. They're not making more land.
We're thinking about buying a vacant lot in the little resort town near us.
This is the layout of a cabin we used to rent when I was a kid. It was an efficient use of space and was probably about 20x30, and would be cheap and easy to build and heat.

In reply to ShawnG :
You convinced me, offer accepted pending banking approval which we should have mid week.
In reply to 1SlowVW :
Congratulations, that’s great to hear. You can figure out what you want to do cabin wise in time. As someone pointed out earlier, they’re not making any more of it. Especially waterfront!
3/11/23 9:21 p.m.
At worse, you'll have some lake property to leave to your kids.
In reply to ShawnG :
Fun fact it's tidal waters, probably about 15km inland but still tidal and still brackish ( somewhat salty).
Here in Ontario, there is no permit required for a "barn or farm" structure,
I am contemplating putting up a "Barn" for me to stay in when I'm over there checking on my folks.
In reply to ShawnG :
funny you should ask, we sent a down payment today. Technically they could not sign the purchase agreement. But it's real close to being a done deal.
There were some hurtles with the bank because my wife is working on contract...but we got by it.
In reply to 1SlowVW :
Awesome. I for one am excited on your behalf. I'm sure there are lots of others here in the same boat!