Did a couple projects yesterday while cleaning. I'm very happy with the results so far!
Sanded and varnished a board and then pounded a ton of nails into it (very cathardic if you need 2020 relief):

Also found a piece of PVC just hanging around, and decided no work bench should be without drawing materials:


Nice way to organize . You can see at a glance if tools are missing or what to grab.
How are the mitered PVC's attached to the plywood there?
Shadow boards are a great way to see what is missing and where they should be returned. 5s is a good thing
I'm digging the old-school pencil sharpener!
Your garage organization skills make me jealous/angry/envious. I hope to channel these feelings into some sort of tangible improvement in my own garage habitat.
Might have to "appropriate" that hanging wrench solution. Simple, cheap, and accessible. I've found that more often than not my wrenches don't like to go back to their drawer, and when they do, it's no easier to get what I need than if they were still all piled on my rolling tool cart.
I'm not a fan of pegboard or shadow boards, but if it helps you, then score!
I do like the PVC pencil holders, very nice.
1988RedT2 said:
I'm digging the old-school pencil sharpener!
I just ordered one to mount in my shop. They work much better than most of the modern junk.
Placemotorsports said:
Shadow boards are a great way to see what is missing and where they should be returned. 5s is a good thing
There is a reason why any respectable manufacturing company has their production floor arranged like this.
mtn (Forum Supporter) said:
How are the mitered PVC's attached to the plywood there?
Just drilled a hole in the PVC at the bottom and ran a wood screw through the hole and plywood and into the 2x6 of the bench. You can probably see the bottom screw in the pic. They don't need to take much weight but they turned out quite sturdy.
Also, start with the top one!
Love the PVC tube thing. I am totally going to use that!
It just made me think that is a great way to store some welding rods I have having issues figuring out a place for.
Toyman01 (Moderately Supportive Dude) said:
1988RedT2 said:
I'm digging the old-school pencil sharpener!
I just ordered one to mount in my shop. They work much better than most of the modern junk.
Totally agree. I also "restored" an old electric Panasonic "Tri-Point" that is probably from the 1970's. It's a pencil-eating beast.
z31maniac said:
Placemotorsports said:
Shadow boards are a great way to see what is missing and where they should be returned. 5s is a good thing
There is a reason why any respectable manufacturing company has their production floor arranged like this.
I occasionally get asked to teach 5S to engineers and operators at my company. One time while finishing up a session in Austin, TX, a director level guy asked me if I "lived it" in front of the class and I assured him that I did.
He looked at my flight itinerary, worked out when I was getting home, and asked that I immediately send a photograph of my garage to ensure I didn't have time to clean it up. He further asked to have my daughter holding a wrench in the shot to prove it wasn't an archival picture (kinda' like proving a hostage is still alive by taking a picture of them holding today's news paper).
Anyway, this photograph has become pretty famous within my company.

8/27/20 4:24 p.m.
Organization is so damned difficult for me.
My girlfriend is way more organized and I'm trying my best to learn it as a way of life, but wow, it is hard.
I applaud your efforts.
Hi m4ff3w,
If you Google 5S at Home, you'll find tons of free tutorials.

I've been doing more projects about organizing lately that I have actually repairing and building. It's very satisfying. My current idol for shop organization is Adam Savage's personal shop that you see in his one day build videos. He packs a completely ludacris amount of materials and equipment into a given space but still keeps it organized and functional. It's not 5s but it has an old school, organic feel that I love.
8/27/20 4:57 p.m.
RX Reven' said:
Hi m4ff3w,
If you Google 5S at Home, you'll find tons of free tutorials.

Thanks! I'll check it out.