Friday afternoon, while standing outside the office chatting with a couple colleagues, I accidentally stepped on the edge of the curb, rolled my left ankle, and fell like a sack of potatoes. 57YO potatoes, the kind that don't get up quickly and laugh that E36 M3 off.
One guy was looking the other way momentarily and didn't see it happen. When he turned back he was like "Angry, WTF?!" The other guy saw the whole thing and said I rolled with the fall, "pretty graceful, really." I sat there in the parking lot for a minute, slowly tapping my left foot on the pavement, to gauge whether or not it would bear weight. I told them they should not miss the opportunity to have a laugh at my expense, which they proceeded to do. It hurt pretty badly, but I walked it off. Straight ahead seemed OK, but pivoting to the right was a little less so.
Got home, sat on couch with foot elevated, waiting for AK2 to get home. When she did, I stood up and swore a bunch at how much it hurt and how little weight I could put on it. I made it upstairs to bed, and I was surprised that the pain didn't keep me awake. Got up Saturday AM and it was a lot better, at least back to how it felt leaving work Friday. Testing load bearing and range of motion,
more to come…
Is this a preemptive excuse regarding the challenge? Jk!
I hate how easily I can hurt myself these days.
Sleeping the wrong way can end up in PT.
2/12/24 8:26 a.m.
I gave my right ankle a really good berking on a skateboard when I was 20-21. It's never been great since.
Keep it elevated and get it on ice a couple times a day for 20 minutes at most. And get some images done.
Good luck, man.
I hope you feel better.
I used to joke that I'm going to teach a tumbling class for senior citizens cause they are always falling and breaking hips and legs. Teach them how to properly tuck and roll when falling and not get hurt.
Then I was getting into my truck and slipped on ice and was flat on my back looking up. Two weeks later I missed the bumper on a work truck and ended up falling off the truck.
So much for teaching that class.
Oh boy, hope your recovery is speedy. As the old saw goes, chicken soup for colds, and RICE for sprains. Maybe some NSAIDS if you wish. Good luck.
2/12/24 8:38 a.m.
Just walk it off ffs.
Kidding, of course. Take it easy and let it heal properly. Good luck AC. \../
I ate it on my back deck on a frosty morning 2 Saturdays ago and my wrist hurt for a few days, but lukily that was all...kinda funny to see on Ring video LOL. I don't know how to post the video.
NY Nick
2/12/24 8:55 a.m.
I fell running backwards coaching the kids basketball team 10 weeks ago, I messed up my wrist, went to urgent care, they took pics, said it wasn't broken. It is still messed up, should have gone to an orthepedist. Go to the best doc you can so you aren't messed up long term.
Sorry for the awkward pause. I realized I'd be late for work if I didn't stop. So, where were we? Ah yes...
Got up Saturday AM and it was a lot better, at least back to how it felt leaving work Friday. Testing load bearing and range of motion, I could stand and walk straight, albeit with reduced stride length as it was a bit painful at normal length. Spent some quality with rest, ice, and elevation. Tried to convince AW that the C in RICE stands for Coochie, but she had already googled it and picked up a support / stabilizer for me. Sad trombone.

Sunday was just more of the same, RICE all day. Went out at about 3PM to get propane refills so I can get back to work on the Corvair in the evenings this week.
Today, ankle and foot are working pretty good, no sharp pains, range of motion improving, now it's just the extremes of toe in, toe out, and positive camber that hurt.
I forgot to mention that the fall happened in front of a security camera. I asked the security guy for an instant replay, but the angle was NFG. Pre-fall, I was about even with the cab of a pickup so only the top of my head was visible. I disappeared for a few seconds, then reappeared with a grimace and a slight limp. Pretty disappointing, really.
wvumtnbkr said:
Is this a preemptive excuse regarding the challenge?
nope, just "here's why I didn't get anything done in the garage this weekend." \m/
Sleeping the wrong way can end up in PT.
I get that.
Bruised and swollen, about 40 hours after fall:

And a comparison of genetic engineered mutant Stan left foot:

vs normal Stan right foot:

bachuey chuey chomp indeed
Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and Ibuprofen (Motrin/Advil) work differently and don't negatively effect one another.
Start a regiment of taking both.
Every 6 hours take one alternating dose.
600mg Ibuprofen
600 mg Acetaminophen 6 hrs later
600 Ibuprofen 6 hrs later
JFC, AC. We are getting old, be careful.
I'm really active.
I'm really clumsy.
I do stuff like this far too frequently for somebody my age and have, so far, been able to get away with it.
I know that it will someday, probably sooner than later, come to an end.
You have way better looking feet than me.
Maybe an excuse for our resident hand model to branch into foot work.
Heal fast.
That bruise looks nasty! I don't even wanna know what needs to get berked to bruise in that area.
Dude. Take it easy!
For some reason i was expecting you to be throwing the horns with your toes.
I'm currently recovering from giving myself wrist tendinitis by doing physical therapy to help with my position on the bike.
Hope the healing up is fast!
2/12/24 10:53 a.m.
barefootcyborg5000 said:
Maybe an excuse for our resident hand model to branch into foot work.
Yeah. This is clearly a rebranding campaign
In reply to AngryCorvair (Forum Supporter) :
Reading the thread title, this is the type of "falling down" rant I was expecting . . . .

get well soon.
Selfie taken this morning:

I started wearing high tops regularly after repeatedly rolling ankles while running. The high tops don't prevent ankle rolling, but they definitely mitigate the severity.
And yes, we are all very old.
I just know I'm going to regret saying this out loud, but my ankles are sturdy as hell. I've rolled them numerous times, always just stand up and continue down the road. No pain, no sprain. I really don't understand it.
In reply to Streetwiseguy :
Same here. I rolled one ankle 3 times in one day last summer and thought the last one was it. It wasn't. I put my boots on and went riding. Over the holidays I was clearing brush, went to get down off the tractor and my coveralls got caught on the clutch pedal. I was going down, but jumped out and somehow landed on my feet. I do that E36 M3 far too frequently.
I did this once while crossing a street - jogging along to clear the street quickly and caught the edge of a pot hole. I heard the noise the tendons or ligaments or whatever made as they stretched/tore......sat on the curb for 15 minutes with my eyes screwed shut in pain.
One foot hopped back to my car - E36 M3 it's my left foot and my car is a stick! - put some cowboy boots on for more support and just managed to get home. Swole up like crazy, turned all different colors, didn't have any money so couldn't afford to go to doc/urgent care/ER. Took about 5 days to get to where I could walk on it again - I was only early 20 something so I guess it healed up OK.
Today, at age 75 if something like that happened they might have to take me out back and shoot me!