Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
This isn't you driving, carrying a firearm or whatever... this is just you walking along minding your own business... and you hear "Ihre Papiere Bitte" from the dude in the long gray wool coat. You can't say "I forgot them" anymore. Well, atleast not in any kind of accent that doesn't immediately sound like Skynard.
I think it would be a good idea to ask these "Illegals" to wear something to identify themselves like a yellow star or something. As long as the government promises that it will all be ok... I don't really see the problem.
I don't see how anyone is ok with this. I don't think illegal immigration is ok and I think if illegals are caught they should be deported but it is not ok to go around locking up citizens because they can't show their "papers".
10/12/11 5:32 p.m.
Recommending a yellow star is not the best choice here. Anything but a yellow star.
A little history lesson:
jrw1621 wrote:
Recommending a yellow star is not the best choice here. Anything but a yellow star.
A little history lesson:
I am pretty sure that was scarasm and referring to that.
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
What happens if I'm cycling and I get hit by a car. Who are the paramedics or police supposed to call?
excellent point
I keep my cell w/ me w/ ICE numbers too, JIC. I want my ID known... contact list and medical records available asap in case of an accident, medical issue etc., maybe It's just my older thinking but I'm content w/ it. I'm not that big of a privacy nut anymore that I wouldn't carry ID.
jrw1621 wrote:
Recommending a yellow star is not the best choice here. Anything but a yellow star.
A little history lesson:
You get that I was making the connection on purpose, no?
You know how Germany got to the part where it was OK to do that? In little steps. For the good of the Reich. One little reasonable request at a time. Right here in the land of the free... due process is an inconvenience that can be avoided as long as we suspect terror, illegal search and seizure... a thing of the past. Torturing bad guys is fine... sure as long as our motives are good. Assassination? As long as they are really bad guys... now we have lawyers (not the Pres, or even a top dog... just some legal eagles on the staff) making the call for assassination of US citizens as long as they are bad and hard to arrest. Where does it end? When does me typing this become a problem?
This isn't going to get better on it's own.
AlexTravis wrote:
The police officer has to have a reason to pull you over. If you're having issues with their abuse of power, contact a Tampa car accident lawyer to set them straight.
Why don't you just paddle your canoe right outta here, mmmkay?
jrw1621 wrote:
Recommending a yellow star is not the best choice here. Anything but a yellow star.
A little history lesson:
OK, OK, then we should go with an pink triangle.
In reply to Giant Purple Snorklewacker:
The only problem with the star logic is that we have to find the illegals, they can't just run into public records and find illegals.
Like I said, no good way of going about finding them.
10/12/11 5:59 p.m.
I usually carry I.D., and I wear an I.D. bracelet while cycling.
However, the convenience or safety concerns about carrying or not carrying I.D. have nothing to do with the issue at hand.
The references to Germany in the really not very distant past are frighteningly pertinent.
I do not want it to even be a remote possibility that I could walk down to the corner store for a six pack with only a tenner on me, and find myself using my one phone call to ask my girlfriend to come down to the station with my driver's license and birth certificate. Do you get a phone call under Alabama's law?
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
In reply to Giant Purple Snorklewacker:
The only problem with the star logic is that we have to find the illegals, they can't just run into public records and find illegals.
Like I said, no good way of going about finding them.
Nein, Sie sind nicht über den Tellerrand!
Ahem, sorry.
If during the interrogations, illegals are not voluntarily wearing their star they get invited on a train ride, then get a chance to clean up in the showers before being shown an entertaining and patriotic training video on why they should always display the star!
EDIT: This has been a dramatization for illustration purposes only.
Wow, I Think I'm done with this conversation. 
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
The illegals issue is touchy enough as it is, there is no good way of going about scoopIng them up.
Operation Wetback was pretty good.
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
Wow, I Think I'm done with this conversation.
Why? It was just getting interesting.
Look, I might be a bit dramatic but the point I am getting at is that nobody just suddenly finds themselves under the iron fist. Tyranny creeps.
It really should worry you that we have this problem... we all agree there is a problem... a group, "Illegals", singled out as undesirable and the way to round them up and get rid of them is to make every one carry identification to make sure they belong. It is always a common problem because it needs initial support from the people. It is commies or terrorists. Illegals. Muslims... Jews. We always start complying with the best intentions. It never ends well.
If you are my age - mid-40s - you have seen the last 15yrs as a steady erosion of rights you once took for granted. The "That could never happen here" mindset has to go - it can, it is and it has in the past.
GPS is just trying to protect his Honduran house keeper.

10/12/11 7:40 p.m.
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
The only time I leave my house without an ID is when I'm doing yardwork.
and you sir could be arrested 
z31maniac wrote:
GPS is just trying to protect his Honduran house keeper.
The damn grass ain't going to cut itself!
In reply to Giant Purple Snorklewacker:
On the local/county/state/federal level of government, there is no good way about setting up laws to stop illegal immigration or removing illegal immigrants. Anything they do, nobody is going to like. I'm not defending Alabamas decision, but besides labeling illegals (which is near impossible) or carding suspicious people, what other choices are our states going to have?
If it's as simple as checking IDs great, but if it involves arresting people with no IDs, not cool.
It really should be the discretion of the police officer.
10/12/11 8:11 p.m.
Besides the question of carrying I.D., isn't immigration exclusively a Federal issue?
Or did someone take their geography scissors and cut Alabama off the map?
And could they do that to Texas too ? 
I would rather the whole place be over-run with illegal immigrants than force a "prove you belong here or else" system of weeding them out on the citizenry. What happens locally in AL will set a precedent for everywhere if it is allowed to stand.
It falls under the Blackstone formulation Ben Franklin quoted: "better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer".
Worth mentioning... Pol Pot quoted it in the opposite according to wiki truth ;)
In reply to fifty:
If that were true state could not have any drug laws nor could state LEO arrest any one for drugs. It is a federal statute that the states can and must enforce.
10/12/11 8:47 p.m.
In reply to Otto Maddox:
It looks like the law is not the problem, it looks like how to enforce it is.
Texas has a law like that. I have never gone to jail for it. Lots of other stuff but not that
The police department says the breakdown of the 11 arrests is as follows:
2 black females
4 black males
1 white female
4 Hispanic males
TPD Sgt. Brent Blankley said two Hispanic males have been detained and their immigration status is currently being determined. The other nine people have been released and given court dates for violating section 32-6-9, Blankley said.
If you don't have your ID they'll probably just give you a chance to go downtown later to prove you have one.
10/12/11 9:09 p.m.
ThePhranc wrote:
In reply to fifty:
If that were true state could not have any drug laws nor could state LEO arrest any one for drugs. It is a federal statute that the states can and must enforce.
No. Illegal immigrants enter the United States illegally, not Alabama specifically. There are no state immigration laws because you do not immigrate into, or out of a state. State courts do not prosecute Federal crimes (such as federal tax fraud, evasion of import duty, brewin yr own corn squeezin's), it's out of their jurisdiction.
This is an issue for Homeland Security, not the state po-po.
And I'm as opposed to illegal immigration as most of y'all. I don't think it's desirable to allow an unregulated stream of undereducated, low income earners to flood across the border. And displace our own, undereducated, low income earners
Unless they are Swedish backpackers, of course.
carguy123 wrote:
If you don't have your ID they'll probably just give you a chance to go downtown later to prove you have one.
that'd be like Pa., PD can be a PITA if you don't have ID, insurance card or vehicle registration during a traffic stop (depending on offense) but will allow for proof w/ in 24 hrs.
In one recent case locally, two Mexican nationals were detained after running a stop sign. One had fake ID and SSN, other had 5 fake IDs. Local PD was shocked when ICE told them to release both men... so WTF are laws good for any way.... just legal residents