No, that's not a teaser. It's actually true: all cars really are terrible.
In my 21 years of having owned, driven, and worked on dozens of different makes, models, and body styles, I've come to realize that not a one of them really embodies what a car ought to be. Some have come close, and most haven't missed the mark by an atrocious amount, but every single one of them leaves something on the table.
Is there such a thing as a "Perfect" car? I'm sure there isn't. But could a vehicle exist that at least checks all the boxes, even if not in a perfect way?
I ought to resign myself to my purgatory; I will likely never find an acceptable car. Having not found it yet, it's almost impossible it will ever be built, given the current trends in car design. At some point, when I have more money and time and skill, I may attempt to build it myself. But how likely is it that I'll succeed...versus ending up with something worse than the sum of it's parts?
Has anyone here found a car they can honestly say is "Not Particularly Terrible"?