In December 08 I had to replace my old CRT TV and bought a Visio 42" LCD 1080P 120mhz TV. It's been hooked up to Direct TV. When I got it I was impressed by the picture quality so I never upgraded to HD. I'm kind of cheap that way. Well, Saturday I hooked up an antenna so I could watch some of the Olympics. Our local channel is transmitting them in digital HD, 720P I think. Holy smokes what a picture. You can actually see individual needles on a tree or even the individual lashes on a girls eye. The difference is like night and day. WOW!
Now I've got to upgrade to HD Direct TV and replace my DVD player with a Blu-Ray player.
We bought a new Panasonic HDTV a few months back,and got the HD service from Directv. I agree the HD makes a huge difference especially when watching sports like my favorite,hockey!!
We got a free Bluray player with ours as well,and the Bluray movies are incredible!!!
I just "upgraded" to a HD ready rear projection. Now I really want a LCD tv. The rear projo is decent at best. My old 32" CRT had a better picture, just not as big.
just wait till you watch some racing on HD theater (if you get it) ...regular mustang challenge, rally, some open wheel, etc etc. I swear, between HD theater, Discovery HD, and Nat Geo HD, I am being ripped off...I pay for like 400 channels and only use 3!
HD is definitely a nice thing to have, particularly when watching sports or playing a video game. Reading text in particular is much easier, and the larger the screen the more vital it becomes. Blurry messes begone!
Now that I have Cox HD, I never even turn to the standard definition channels. Even if there is something I would want to watch, why suffer the poor picture quality? I don't have time for substandard pixels!
2/15/10 12:01 a.m.
What is this T V of which you speak? 
I remember all the WOW moments of my TV life from my first color tv (Charley the lonesome cougar), stereo sound (Caddyshack), big screen w/ surround (Terminator 2) to my current HD.
While I could see everthing very clearly I don't recommend your first experience to be a 52" HD picture of Lawrence Fishburne in "The Matrix"...
New Reader
2/15/10 1:13 p.m.
4eyes wrote:
What is this T V of which you speak?
This reminded me of Book of Eli.
"Go check the back of the TV"
"The what?"
"Are you berkeleying E36 M3ting me!?!"

The best part is when your tv can unscramble some of the HD channels you aren't even paying for. Silly armstong.