It turned out to be a pretty interesting Thanksgiving. The mystery meat was eel, which was pretty good. We shot some guns. Drank beer. Ate pie... Good times all around.
Later in the evening, my wife had an allergic reaction to something she ate. On the way home we were going to stop to get some Benadryl, but things got worse, so we swung into the E.R. which we just happened to be passing. I'm glad we went that route because wifey got some pretty bad chest pains even after the drugs were being pumped in.
That was only half the excitement. The RN helping us informed us that someone was in the ceiling and the police were looking for them. If we heard anything, let them know and don't be surprised by the heavy presence. It took about an hour for the police to finish searching the ceiling, find the subject, and pull him eight feet to the ground. Damn, that was loud.
Obviously the staff couldn't say what was going on exactly, but I have friends. A man was arrested for felony domestic assault and taken to the hospital to have a hand injury treated before being taken by the county. He asked to use the restroom. When someone turned their head, he disappeared into the drop-ceiling. Whoops. Lets add a couple more charges to that list. It's ok, I'm sure he'll be out on bond next week, not show up to court, and I'll be the one looking for him then.
In the end, I'm a little poorer and the wife is 100% healthy. I'm OK with that trade-off.
Happy Thanksgiving. Does anyone have anything to beat that holiday story?
I guess I can lay it to rest my upsettedness that my SIL didn't have turkey on the table until 7 pm central time (8 pm to my eastern time zone tummy)
Your day had real problems.
11/27/15 3:25 a.m.
Just a crying baby who won't sleep or stop eating, and a genuine Alaskan Blizzard dumping 2' of snow since Wednesday. The local news called it such, and it takes a lot for Alaskans to use that term. Weeeee!
11/27/15 5:18 a.m.
Just the standard sitcom worthy dinner with the inlaws. Possibly even drama/comedy movie level.
But nothing to top a man hunt in the ER.
Did he at least get to finish his joke, before he went down?

In reply to RealMiniParker:
Haaaaaaa you win!
11/27/15 10:25 p.m.
Mine involved bleach. Lots of bleach. Don't thaw your turkey in warm water. If you do, don't leave it in my fridge like my roommate!
I worked.. it was boring.
Nothing out of the ordinary. Just ate too much..
Broke a 35 year tradition and went to my Wife's Family's for Turkey Day. It was fine, we ate well and the weather was awesome.
I hoped to read that they boosted "Killer" the police K9 into the ceiling, but that's really the only way that story could be improved.
My wife's family always has a death within 3 days of Thanksgiving or Christmas....No one dead yet :/
My 70-year-old father in law took a header on Wednesday night and clobbered his head on the steel bed frame. He had the most incredible swelling on his head, about 1.5" tall from temple to temple. He looked like a beluga.
So we were at the emergency room until about 2 AM. He never complained about his head, just his shoulder. Turns out we'd been so focused on his head that nobody had noticed his shoulder was dislocated. The profanity was much decreased once that was put back into place. Nobody fell through the ceiling.
Cat scan and x-rays said everything was good and back in place, so they sent him home. Between the late night, an early morning to deliver turkeys to the Eagles and an old man who was a bit banged up, nobody got much sleep. So it was a pretty quiet (and delayed) Thanksgiving dinner.
He's developing some pretty spectacular bruising. The swelling went down, but all the blood then swelled up his eye. He'd be terrifying for Hallowe'en.
11/28/15 6:47 p.m.
kazoospec wrote:
I hoped to read that they boosted "Killer" the police K9 into the ceiling, but that's really the only way that story could be improved.
I always love the episodes of cops where the guy is hiding somewhere and they sent in the dog.....its like dude. Just come out and get handcuffed. That dogs entire career is built in going in and biting shiny happy people like you. When its barking its saying "please lemme go in there and bite him, please? Just a little? I wont chew on him too much, i just want to nom on his arm a bit.".
Isn't the old Chinese curse: "may you live in interesting times"? I'm feeling very pleased that my thanksgiving celebration (and entire 4 day weekend thus far) has been exceptionally laid back, enjoyable, and nice. Nothing dramatic whatever.