Boost_Crazy said:I've seen a lot of discussion about taxes, much about raising them. Can anyone tell me why we need to raise them? Why the government needs more money? Where is the discussion about spending to go along with it? The elephant in the room is that pretty much every program at every level of government is poorly run, manages it's budget poorly, produces poor results, or any or all of the above. And it seems like the worse they do, the more money we give them, without a return for our investment. And by our, I mean the 51% that still pay taxes. Good luck to us all when that number drops to 49% and the non tax paying majority vote the tax payers into oblivion.
My plan- fix the spending first. Any department head that can't run within their budget gets replaced. Cut redundant programs. Cut programs that fail to deliver the promised results. Then fix the taxes. Maybe a flat consumption tax. The crazy complex tax code gives more power to the government who can pick the winners and losers, and more power to those who can afford to influence the code ($$$) so that they are one of the winners. Strip the code, and you strip the power. The flat tax would also ensure that everyone has some skin in the game.
Let’s correct a few errors here. Nearly everyone pays taxes! A wino pays taxes on the jug of wine. The cash only guy pays it when he buys fuel for his truck. The little old lady on social security buying a package of Sox’s at Walmart pays import duty.
The guy in prison pays it on the razor he’s gonna melt into a shiv. ( most cheap disposables are imported) that or the flip flops he’s wearing.
Anyway as for spending control, it’s one of those myths I hear so much about but can never happen. Politicians get re-elected by bringing home the bacon. This road project for his construction company owner. That bridge to nowhere. A government job for Tom Dick and Harry. Turn this government program into that companies income source.
Second if you could somehow get politicians to stop breathing.———err bringing home the bacon. Things actually get more expensive. Inflation, underestimate costs or complexity. Demand increase because a project works. Etc.
Finally this country is deeply divided. One persons absolute essential is another persons waste and fraud. It’s so easy to paint with broad strokes, but people aren’t broad strokes. What provides a nice secure income for one family. Is total fraud and abuse for another. Even within families!