The Doubletree Hotel down the street from my office is host to an AnimeCon convention this weekend, and some of the attendees are wandering around the neighborhood
There are a lot of people with fuzzy tails and ears, or wearing strange uniforms and carrying swords, or dressed up like Inuyasha and Kagome.

It's kinda weird.
Ian F
4/5/14 12:34 p.m.
Yep. Anime Cosplay. There's a 3-day convention near work every year and some of the outfits I see as they cross the street to the hotels are.... interesting. Most of them make their costumes themselves, so I have to credit them on creativity.
An ex-g/f posted a pic she found of a girl in a full anime costume in a store. I mentioned the convention. She said she wants to make a costume and go. She's 100% bat-sh1t-crazy, so I'm never quite sure when she's joking.
4/5/14 12:38 p.m.
ok i thought you were actually going to post pics of people walking around your hood dressed like inuyasha and kagome. if there are any hot kagomes running around pics or ban. or any other hot anime girls. and keep the pics coming
Ian F
4/5/14 12:42 p.m.
Just google: anime cosplay and click on the images:

patgizz wrote:
ok i thought you were actually going to post pics of people walking around your hood
Sorry, no pix... Most of them weren't exactly beauty queens anyway.
4/5/14 10:43 p.m.
Check the latest posts in the Good God Almighty Thread. I like the one with the blue hair.