12/10/10 3:23 p.m.
I'm starting to realize one of the problems with the internet is anonymity. While in theory it protects people and allows more freedom of speech, in practice it allows people to be absolute buttheads.
So far, GRM does pretty well.
But, I've noticed recently that several people have adopted new personas and user names on this forum.
I'm no fan of the practice.
Here I am seriously considering putting my real name on the bottom of all my posts, just because it seems like the right thing to do, while others (who have already participated in this forum for a while and allowed people to formulate opinions of them based on their inputs) are hiding under another layer of anonymity.
I realize some of it is just clean fun.
But some of it is pretty annoying. I know people by what they have contributed, and associate these inputs with their screen name. I don't like the names changing.
Maybe I'm just *itching. I'm not necessarily asking anyone to change anything.
But I am curious if other people are also annoyed by the practice.
Already ahead of you there.
In reply to SVreX:
Well, I haven't got any plans to change my screen name anytime soon, but OTOH I do tend to reserve using my real name for work and career-related endeavours, at least when it comes to "publishing content" on the internet. Oddly enough, with the exception of Usenet.
I" am seriously considering putting my real name on the bottom of all my posts"
While I applaude your stance, by doing so, you can be helping to set yourself up for identity theft, and by posting, say, "arrgh, work is horrible today" with your real name, and checking what town you're in, you just told a thief there's a good chance no one is at home, go break in.
Also, threre are wack jobs everywhere, piss someone off here, who now has your name and may be waiting for you to get out of work to do you harm.
This may seem reactionary, and a bit over the top, but we've all either heard or seen it happen. Or gone through the mess of Identity theft. Sure, if someone REALLY wants to find you, there are ways; personally, I don't want to make it any more easier than it already was, once. Don't want a second time.
12/10/10 3:46 p.m.
I've always been ok being a butthead under my own name but then I'm the same loveable asshat in person as well. I've always used the shortened "Wally" though because Waldimore Farquhar Angus McNorris IX becomes cumbersome at times.
I don't have a problem using my real name, but I've only change my user name three times in the entirety of my stay here at GRM manor. With each new car, I get a new name. I usually keep my avatar the same long enough for someone to recognize that it is me posting. Though I think it is about time I change my avatar now too.
In a word yes. I probably won't be posting my name, but changing my screen name and avatar won't happen. As a matter of fact if I ever make it to the Challenge I would love to see name tags with screen names rather than real names. Finding out SvRex was actually named something like Spike or Ahmed would be a little shocking. 
I dunno... I prefer the anonymity. There are things I've said online that taken out of context by the wrong people would be bad.
For every person who's a jackass online because they know it can't be traced to them, there's three people out there that would use what you posted three years ago in your off-time against you.
I'll tolerate the idiots before I let the nosy shiny happy people gain more leverage.
I've changed my avitar a couple times secondary to upgraded status or the animation not working, but I'm the same ol' loveable Dr.Hess from about 3 board softwares and I guess over 10 years ago. I think people creating new accounts, etc., is childish. Like stoptheeconobox, whoever that really was.
Is this your burger, Wally?

on this forum where I'm not very likely to meet many of ya... I'm not that upset with changing user names... and no "real" names... they're nice but not necessary ... no on my local forums, for the most part I NEVER have any idea who the person is when they post... really would like to know 
Big ego
12/10/10 4:24 p.m.
seriously.. Do not put your real name here. It will get picked up on google and will be easily searchable. If you go to apply for a job and someone hits upon your name, finds some posts you wrote and disagrees with the content.. Or with the simple fact that you post your real name and are not so conscious of the ramifications of such.. You're probably not getting said job. I've seen it happen with stuff on facebook.
I find it disturbing that you can search for my sisters name and come up with pictures of her both from work, non work, and pictures of boyfriend. She does work as a writer on the web, but still kinda freaky..
12/10/10 4:28 p.m.
For the reasons already outlined, plus the fact that I don't want to put my FAMILY at risk, I will retain the anonymous moniker.
However, I still don't like them changing.
BTW- Toyman, I have suggested the screenname nametags at the Challenge several times. I wore one this year, but no one caught on. I wore a shirt one year that said SVreX. Boy, did I get a lot of grief for THAT one.
Oh, and if you care, SVreX= Irving. Irving Alli Guiseppe Von Sokolov. But my friends call me Bubba.
It's funny how we all build an identity here. I've been on forums...since about forever..and you start to associate personalities with pictures and names.
It is confusing when those change. I try to stay consistent. If my tone or ideas change I want that noted. I like the continuity of my username to be complete.
I feel for you SVreX. The name changes make it tough to keep identities straight.
12/10/10 4:35 p.m.
If you seach my name I'm either a Canadian Politician, dead Dr, or the was the Coroner in PA on 9/11
12/10/10 4:35 p.m.
My name stays the same everywhere.
m4ff3w = maffew = matthew
Changing names is goofy. Except when Quasi does it, because we expect it.
Wally wrote:
If you seach my name I'm either a Canadian Politician, dead Dr, or the was the Coroner in PA on 9/11
I am still John Muffin Brown.
12/10/10 4:40 p.m.
Why the hell do you guys ALL have better IRL names than me?
Also- google mndsm. My real name's been attached to it enough times that I'm sure you can figure out who I am. Been this guy for a LEAST a decade (since I bought my first dsm... derp) and have no plans on changing.
Oddly, hiding behind a screen name doesn't work. I made some disparaging comments against a local forum member one time, in jest. He took it as I was calling him a homosexual (In reality I called him a steroid abusing transsexual with dirty shoes) and he took exception to that, because that's what meatheads do. He then decided it was a good idea to burn me into the pavement after attacking me from behind (strange, a guy that likes to get at other guys.... from behind?) and I caught a few scars as a result. He knows if he ever gets within 100' of me again, he's already had his shot, and had better want to be in a wheelchair, but it just goes to show, sometimes, even screennames can catch up with you.
I'd be a little concerned about some well-meaning HR type or some such being able to very easily search out the occasional rant or double-entendre I may have made, and use that in a decision process. It's already common for employers to search Facebook and Myspace for current and prospective employees' pages.
Oh, I did change my avatar temporarily, just because I liked that shot of a Slant Six cylinder and combustion chamber. Happy looking guy!
Big ego
12/10/10 4:42 p.m.
I use ignorant or ignorant1 on just about any board I can.
I got bored so I changed it. I'll go back, but the rocket from the crypt rocket is staying.
The toilet was played out.

I guess you could argue that rocket from the crypt is played out, but I'm at that age where everything I like is played out.
not that I care for myself, but i'd imagine for some anonymity is important, now or in the future. for example, just perusing the Wikileaks site could kill your security clearance.
the fifth paragraph has two sentences. the second sentence is approximately 142 words long - lawyers! 
12/10/10 4:43 p.m.
In reply to SVreX:
Hmmmm, a German/Italian man (possibly with a Jewish heritage) with a nickname of Bubba who lives in middle GA.
Ve vill fynt you and make vou talk. Ve haf our vays........
12/10/10 4:46 p.m.
I hope no HR person ever figures out my screen name here. I am MUCH easier to find by Googling my screen name than my real name.
Jew vill all be SILENT, und jew vill LIKE it!
12/10/10 4:49 p.m.
Big ego wrote:
I use ignorant or ignorant1 on just about any board I can.
I got bored so I changed it. I'll go back, but the rocket from the crypt rocket is staying.
The toilet was played out.
WELCOME BACK, IGGY!! I missed you!
i shall now post simply to hit 666 - do you dorks remember that milestone from the old board? evil.