I got my latest issue of Cycle World magazine today, and it turns out it will be the last...they've been purchased by Octane (apparently no relation to Octane magazine) and will be online only from now on. https://www.bonniercorp.com/octane-acquires-the-motorcycle-group-from-bonnier-corp/ Interestingly, there's no mention yet of the change on the Cycle World website, so I don't know what will happen with the rest of my subscription - I assume they'll honor it with the online version but I haven't received any letter about it yet.
Hate to see another magazine go digital ,
I went down to the Cycle World offices probably 20 years ago hoping they still had Dune Buggy and Hot VWs archives from the beginning to when they sold it to Jim Wright ,
Too bad they had thrown them away years before ( this was 30 years after the sale )
Really neat building !
This news makes me very
Heard about this a little while ago. Are there any "general interest" motorcycle print mags left in the US? Seems like most of the ones left are the more niche magazines like some of the chopper mags, RoadRunner etc.
Also looks like some of the UK car mags that temporarily suspended publication are now shutting down. Just got a note that Japanese Performance is gone, and I think Banzai is also gone.
Edit: looks like 'Rider' might still be around as an actual magazine.
Motorcycle Classics magazine is still around, I like it a lot. https://www.motorcycleclassics.com
stuart in mn said:
Motorcycle Classics magazine is still around, I like it a lot. https://www.motorcycleclassics.com
Me, too! Been a subscriber for at least 8-9 years.
My other favourite US-based motorcycle magazine (which I also subscribe to) is RoadRunner. Highly recommened if you like to take motorcycle trips.
11/28/20 9:07 a.m.
I've got Peter Egan's Cycle World column books. Well worth it.
Peter Egan is one of the best automotive journalists there is, I have a couple of his books as well.
In this last issue, he recreates one of his early stories, riding a Honda Trail 125 to the top of Pikes Peak (the 500 foot Pikes Peak bluff in Iowa, not the mile high one in Colorado.
Kevin Cameron is fantastic. Somehow he always seems to work in an ass aviation reference.