9/16/21 4:57 p.m.
Stupid ants.
My yard has four trees in it that are actively rotting away (water oaks suck) and all of them are infested with some type of ant. Of course, the property management company doesn't want to do E36 M3 about it.
So when the rains come the ants look for a place to hide that's nice and dry. Unfortunately that means my truck gets visitors. Thankfully they're the little black ants, not fire ants or anything hateful, they just feel weird when they climb all over you.
Now, how do I get rid of these stupid things? Combat ant traps stuffed under the dash? Other?
Terro ant bait is what I use in the RV. It works very well. The bottle is tiny and goes a long way.
9/16/21 8:53 p.m.
Go here and buy the Taurus SC concentrate.
We used to regularly get the little black ants in the house. We would put out the Terro, it would work and eliminate 95% of them, for a while, then they would be back, repeat. It was bad sometimes so I got fed up and looked for a better solution and found that link above. Now I put that stuff heavily diluted per directions in a garden sprayer and spray all around the house 2ft up and 2ft out and I think o see about 2 ants per year in the house. I only spray once a year in the spring. I can't believe I dealt with them for so long when now they are just gone.
If you have time feel free to read this article: