In reply to Toyman! :
In reply to Javelin :
Let me start by saying I don't necessarily disagree with you.
My opinion is your wish runs afoul of the 10th Amendment. Nowhere in the Constitution does it state that the feds can institute gun control or require background checks for the purchase of weapons. This is how we end up with a 50-state patchwork.
My other issue is the government sucks at everything it does. It is staffed by incompetents. Any system they implement won't work or will end up like the no-fly list. Mostly useless.
You are right, but it doesn't mean that it can't work. Many of the laws that we live under are unconstitutional. But we still have them. The constitution doesn't prevent these laws from passing. But it functions more as a reset button if things get out of hand. Push too far, and those opposed can hit the constitutional reset button and wipe out the law, as well as other similar laws. That is exactly what happened with NY's concealed carry laws. They pushed too far, and the opposition smacked the reset button. Had they made the process of getting a CCW permit more agreeable to those opposed (yet still unconstitutional,) they would likely still have the law. I think a reasonable, well implemented universal background check law would stand a good chance of succeeding- assuming they get the buy in of everyone. But that is going to be really hard to do after so much effort has been spent to divide people on gun control. Cooperation doesn't get you votes, so you need to label the opposition as the enemy. Kinda hard to call someone to the table for compromise after demonizing them for years. More than compromise, because you are asking them to do something that they don't have to do. They know what side of the constitution they are on. After stunts like CA releasing the personal info of all CCW holders in the state- really hard for them to have any trust. The one thing in favor of it is that I believe the vast majority of gun owners are for keeping guns out of the hands of criminals. One of the main reasons that they are gun owners is because they believe criminals have easy access to guns.
I've got a crazy solution. I think the legislation needs to come from the pro 2A side, not the anti gun side. They need to dictate the terms and implementation, and perhaps package it with severe penalties for prohibited possessors and repeat violent criminals. Also include penalties for those that would abuse the system to prevent a legal owners from buying guns.