My parents owned a camper near brookville lake in Indiana when I came of driving driving age. It was surrounded by miles and miles of gravel roads. I had lots and lots of fun learning car control on those roads. I was thinking the other day about how long it's been since I've driven on a gravel or dirt road. I don't think there are any near me, and even back then they were an hour and a half drive from home.
Anyone have any dirt or gravel roads near them?
Come to Michigan. Lots up here.
In reply to Woody:
Really? In Connecticut? How long is it?
All my old favs in Pa got paved, not that it was all that bad, lotta twisties. Even favs in W Va got paved thanks to Sen. Pork Byrd. 
lotta gravel and dirt roads in Alaska tho.
4/21/13 8:40 p.m.
I was on one earlier today.
Go to Michigan, they don't pave anything.
In reply to LainfordExpress:
But then I have to be in Michigan 
My dad lives on one. My brothers road is chip and seal. Mine is a paved county road. Good ol' KY. We have plenty of gravel not much dirt roads but there are two that is fun after a good rain in a 4x4 by my house.
The farmers usually disk it when they get the fields around it makes it spooky in a 2wd.
Yes, driving through Virginia, nearly every side road was dirt.
I live on a dirt road also. They are called All Weather around here.
4/21/13 8:52 p.m.
Tons of them in GA.
I also like the nice Forestry Service roads- sometimes dirt, sometimes gravel.
Lots in MI, most straight and boring, a few well guarded secret ones that are miles of crazy elevation changing twisties that are challenging in a Subaru on good rubber well below the speed limit.
4/21/13 9:03 p.m.
As many have said, Michigan. Its weird up here. Its like they make a very conscious and concentrated effort to NOT pave roads while the rest of the country did. They dont even use chip and seal or gravel. Its the wierdest thing to see million dollar homes on bombed out dirt roads.
We have more gravel roads than dirt around here, but if you go south there are some dirt roads around the upstate of SC.
logdog wrote:
As many have said, Michigan. Its weird up here. Its like they make a very conscious and concentrated effort to NOT pave roads while the rest of the country did. They dont even use chip and seal or gravel. Its the wierdest thing to see million dollar homes on bombed out dirt roads.
Probably a freeze and thaw thing. In Alberta, you have to consider that if there is a road, industry (read; heavy oilfield and forestry equipment) will be traveling on it. This necessitates gravel roads. Plus the maintenance costs for pavement is absurdly higher than gravel, especially when used in lower population density areas.
4/21/13 9:24 p.m.
Some of the Indiana rallycrossers practice on gravel and dirt roads.
4/21/13 9:27 p.m.
FranktheTank wrote:
My dad lives on one. My brothers road is chip and seal. Mine is a paved county road. Good ol' KY. We have plenty of gravel not much dirt roads but there are two that is fun after a good rain in a 4x4 by my house.
The farmers usually disk it when they get the fields around it makes it spooky in a 2wd.
Where in Western, KY are you?
4/21/13 9:30 p.m.
There are lots of them in Connecticut.
The paved roads in MI are so bad dirt would be an improvement many times
The entire High Desert is a dirt road.
Dirt bikes, ATVs, and lifted trucks are a way of life. Not mine but seems like for everyone else around here it is.
I miss dirt and gravel roads
where I grew up all the roads except the two main roads were gravel until sometime in the late eighties . After that all the rich people that moved out to the country didn't like chiped paint on thier Cadillacs and Mercedes, they didn't like the smell of the dairy farms and got that problem "fixed" too.
I do know of some pretty good tar & chip roads about an hour from where I live. Its just far enough out to make them a pain to get to.
4/21/13 9:35 p.m.
Even our paved roads look like dirt roads here.
There are lots of dirt roads as well.
there are more gravel roads around me than there are paved roads... same with where i grew up 150 miles away.. central MN is mostly gravel roads...