Below is a rather crappy screen shot from Google maps of our house.
Ignore the crap behind, that's a sail boat, firewood, pavers and yard tools/toys. You can see the attached garage on the right, that's approx 21x22". Behind it you can see a small square area between it and the house. It has a sloping roof that attaches to the East end of the house and blends in to the back side of the garage. Currently that's the hall/door to the garage with just enough room for a small laundry with the washer and dryer side by side, no room for a sink. Previously it was a little half bath until we knicked out the internal wall and moved the laundry upstairs from the basement.
There's a major issue with the roof of the garage. The main ridge runs in the same direction as the main house roof with a gable facing the street. Bizarrely the main roof isn't made of 'A' frames, the cross brace is perpendicular to the roof trusses so the ridge has slowly been sagging over the last 67 years. I'm sure as a result I'm for ever chasing a leak that's been getting worse. No amount of sealing will fix it icluding repalcing the roof bords, adding a huge copper sheet under there in the joint area and double ice damn under there when we did the roof in 2000.
Normal roof
Our Garage roof.
There are ways I could fix this, but what I've always wanted to do is extend the garage back 16+ feet make that part of the building approx the size of a 2 car by 2 car garage. Rather than that though, I want the garage to be 'L' shaped and add a full mud room, laundry and half bath in what would be a fourth bay if I just extended the garage.
All I want is a rough cost. Is this $30k, $40k or $50K to build and finish? I don't want to start calling contractors yet as we're just in the 'can we afford this', what's the cost of money, what else needs doing, what other family / financial goals do we have? stage of planning. I don't want to waste peoples time coming out and getting quotes for something that may not happen, or if id does I doubt we'd be breaking ground until late this year, more likely in the Spring. This is Michigan don't forget, we have a major winter only five months away.
A bit more detail. There is a full basement under the whole house, including the odd little laundry room at the back. The garage is obviously on a slab, and it's about 18" (two steps) down from the floor of the main house. The AC unit is currently behind the garage and it would also need to be moved. There is/was a lawn sprinkler system that comes out behind there as well, but it hasn't been used / operational in over a decade as we don't believe in wasting that much water for vanity. I'm not worried about keeping it, just mentioning things that may get in the way of a 'simple' add on. I mention the difference in the floor level as I assume even around the front and side of the existing garage we would need to add that 18" to the top of the existing walls?
Exactly how far to go I'm not sure. The existing internal dimensions are 20'9" wide with a 16" garage door by 21'6" deep. I figure I probably don't need to go back more than 16' to make the extra bay in the L, and yes if we're borrowing money to do this I'd like to get a hoist back there.
Anyone want to throw out some rough figures for what I want to do, or is it really just too vague and situational dependent. Googling the answer doesn't work as the estimates they provide are so wide ranging as to be useless and they all want to hook you up with local builders. I'm not at that stage yet, just the family financial feasibility calculator point.